Session of repairing petition on judicial review of the Act 42/2008 on the Election of President and Vice-President in Case No. 4/PUU - XI/2013 - held by the Constitutional Court (MK) on Wednesday (30/1). Petitioner was Sri Sudardjo as President of the Institute of Independent People’s Government Committee.
Petitioner essentially already made a number of improvements based on suggestions and input panel of judges at the preliminary hearing before. Some of these improvements, according to Petitioner, more to the things that were taken directly from the people, the situation is encountered when the people of Indonesia are in conflict incredible.
"There are additional improvements to the principal issue. That petition assay Law enforcement is a form of sovereignty constitution, the 1945 Constitution which we regard as the basic norm of the constitution. We believe that the Constitutional Court would uphold the state that still exist and are respected, in this case the norms that govern the requirements to candidates for president and vice president must meet the requirements of the Presidential Election Law, "explained the Applicant.
"It should be expected, Act 42/2008 will produce the president and vice president is getting away from the ideals that are mandated by the 1945 Constitution," added the Applicant.
In a previous trial, Petitioner argues election for president and vice-president of Indonesia has been very opposed to the principle of popular sovereignty that only regulated by a small elite with the percentage system. This process results in massive manipulation of the popular vote as well as the potential to cause the masses of people who consciously choose not to make non-voters and a political choice.
In addition, the applicant describes the legal norm in the Presidential Election Act, namely Article 1 paragraph 2, Article 9, Article 10 point 1, Article 14, item 2 is the norm because of discriminatory laws against Petitioner’s constitutional rights, so it should be declared unconstitutional.
Petitioner also provided an explanation about the conversion of the phrase a number of articles in the law. Among other things, Article 1 paragraph 2 the phrase "political party is a political party that has been designated as a participant election by Parliament" was changed to Article 1 paragraph 2 the phrase "political party is a political party that has been proposed by a group of people, labor groups, farmers groups, class of urban poor, the people of Indonesia functional group by the National People’s Congress, which was attended by delegates group ".
Furthermore, Article 9 of the phrase "candidates nominated by political parties and coalitions of political parties contesting seats that meet the requirements of at least 20% of the total seats in the House or get 25% of the valid votes in the election of national legislators, before the election the president and vice president ".
Article 9 The phrase was changed to "candidates nominated by a political party or coalition of political parties or people group representatives, labor groups, farmers groups, urban poor groups, functional group the people of Indonesia to accommodate the requirements of the entire interest of the people by national agreements ° Based on mutual cooperation the whole deal, rounded and thorough ". (Nano Tresna Arfana / mh)
Wednesday, January 30, 2013 | 19:09 WIB 143