Petitioner’s Witnesses Revealed Cheating of Bekasi Election Commission and Selected Candidate

Dispute of election results of Bekasi Election has entered the third trial. Trial with proof of this agenda held on Monday (21/1) in the Plenary Court. On that occasion, a total of 32 witnesses gave testimony.

At that time, there were 13 Candidate witnesses Sumiyati and Anim Imamuddin, Petitioner in Case No. 4/PHPU.D-XI/2013. In essence, the witnesses said some fraud committed by Bekasi Election Commission (Respondent) and also Elected Candidate Rahmat Effendi and Akhmad Syaikhu (Related Parties).

One of them, a recapitulation sync sound made by Commissioner KPU Bekasi Ucu Asmara Sandi and Bekasi PPS Chairman Jaya Imam S after voting. According to witnesses Liliek Suwarto, on December 18, 2012, around 10:00 am, Ucu come to polling stations (TPS) of Bekasi Jaya, synchronize votes accompanied by Imam.

Sync it, he said, is intended to improve the recap that is not stated correctly by Respondent, that in accordance with our C1. "It was just two of us. Do not open the box. C1 form used is the outside of the box," said PPK Member of East Bekasi. However, after confirming that Bekasi Election Commission chairman Tubagus Hendi Irawan, he got the answer that there was no order to synchronize them.

Another witness, Dede Firmansyah, explained that he made more difficult when they want to vote. Until Election Day, he did not get an invitation to choose (C6). As a result, he cannot exercise their right to vote in Bekasi General Election 2012.

Dede said, he has been trying to take care of C6 cards closest to election officials. However, he can only promise ‘empty’. "When asked to officers, the answer was waiting for the Commission to process," he added.

In fact, up to the day of voting, he was still trying to take care of C6 and his wife, but still to no avail. "Until two days before D-day, I gave the ID card and family card. It was still ignored by PPS. Until finally not able to vote," he said. Dede’s explanation was also confirmed by other witnesses, Sahat Reynold Tambunan.

The Petitioner witnesses no. 4, describes the distribution of vouchers and cards Healthy investigators or team success of the Related Parties. "It must choose PAS. Yes I choose PAS," said Husni Murti palpable. PAS is the designation for Related Party during the campaign.

Candidate Dadang Mulyadi and Lukman Hakim, the applicant in Case No. 5/PHPU.D-XI/2013 presented 19 witnesses. Some of them said that there had been problems in the implementation of the General Election. Among such witnesses not called when setting the selected partner, inconsistency in implementing stages Election Respondent, Respondent Negligence during recapitulation sound, and low voter turnout.

"According to their stage schedule (read: Respondent) made. Should the determination be held on 2 to 9 January? But he made on December 28," said M. Alie Akbar. In addition, he said, after a recapitulation at the Bekasi City Commission, it checks the recapitulation at the Commission in the form specified by C1. The results, found a wide margin of 17,973. This figure, an additional voice for couples Related Parties. (Dodi / mh)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 | 16:23 WIB 123