The Constitutional Court (MK) had another visit from the students in the fourth week of January 2013. This times the students of Faculty of Social and Political Science, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, West Java who visited the Constitutional Court on Monday (21/1). Students visit the yellow-jacketed alma mater accepted by Staff Researchers Fajar Laksono. The students also had the opportunity to gain exposure to the material surrounding the Constitutional Court.
Fajar in front of the students explained that MK is one of the perpetrators of the highest judicial authority in Indonesia. Said one as there is one institution that became executor of judicial actors in Indonesia, the Supreme Court (MA). Both MK and MA have the same level in the hierarchy of administration in Indonesia.
The difference between MK and MA by Fajar is on its authority. Fajar said MK is a judiciary that handles cases related to the constitution or in other words adjudicate norms or rules. Supreme Court prosecutes people who commit an act which allegedly violated the law. "MA is hearing people, while the Court adjudicates the norm. Besides that MA has branches in the area, while the Court is only one in the capital, Jakarta. If the capital would be moved, move the Court also later joined," explains Fajar as she throws a joke.
Since the position of the Constitutional Court only in Jakarta, often some people say the trial in the Court costly. It is a right that is associated with money for accommodation and transportation as well as expert witnesses brought in the trial in the Court. "So expensive it cost, not costly litigation in the Court. Litigants in the Court was free, even to ask any treatise or photos not charge anything, it’s all covered state budget, "said Fajar.
Responding to the high "cost" trial in the Court, the Court explained that Fajar actually react by providing video conferencing facilities (video conference). Facility video conference was held at the faculty of law universities across Indonesia in collaboration with MK. "So between Sabang in Aceh by the Constitutional Court in Jakarta can be connected to this video conference facility. But there are still many people who to Jakarta rather than using video conference," said Fajar regrets.
In addition to explaining the proceedings in the Court, Fajar also describes the authority of the Constitutional Court. Fajar stated that the Court authority to hear at the first and last decision is final in the Constitution Act, 1945, decide the dispute authority of state institutions whose authority granted by the 1945 Constitution, dissolution of political parties to decide, decide disputes the election results, and the obligation to provide Parliament decision on the opinion of the alleged offense committed by the president and vice-president of the 1945 Constitution. "Until now, only the authority and obligation dissolve political parties gave the verdict to the opinion of the House of Representatives regarding the alleged violation of law committed by the president and vice-president of the 1945 Constitutional Court has never done. If one note dissolves political parties, the petitioner should the government," said Fajar.
Fajar also explains the composition of the Indonesian constitutional judges of nine people. The nine constitutional judges are composed of three branches of power in Indonesia, three are from the House of Representatives, three are from the Court, and three others elected president. "Despite coming from these institutions but court judges no more to do with the agency suggested it. Once the constitutional oath as a judge has to do with the break up these institutions," said Fajar. (Yusti Nurul Agustin / mh)
Monday, January 21, 2013 | 18:45 WIB 145