Dispute of Election Result (PHPU) of Sampang District Election, East Java Province 2012 - Case No. 102/PHPU.DX/2012 - continued with the agenda of the session listening to the testimony of witnesses from each side. He began the trial on Friday (11/1), Constitutional Judge chairperson M. Akil Mochtar, listen to a number of witnesses from the Respondent.
As a member of KPPS-TPS 2 Karangpenang Onjur, Imam Wahyudi presented by Sampang Election Commission (Respondent). He refuted the arguments submitted by the applicant that in his area there are polling stations closed before the scheduled close of voting ballots is completed. "That’s not true," he explained.
Against Petitioners’ argument that states some voters to cast their ballots as many as 37 times, Imam judges such things are not true. Therefore, all witnesses present at the polling station no one filed an objection during the voting process, including punched more than once. Therefore, he said, there was no violation in the voting process at the polling stations.
Members of District Election Committee (PPK) Holip in Karangpenang district also in line with the testimony of the Imam. According to him, the sound recapitulation at the district level has been running smoothly and no one objected to the meeting at the district level of Karangpenang. "All the witnesses, signatures and no objection at all," he said.
Candidate Fannan Hasib-Fadillah Boediono as and Related Party presented several witnesses. Siswanto is a witness who attended the vote recapitulation in Sreseh. In his explanation, he said, there were no witnesses of the Petitioners, Hermanto Subaidi Jakfar Sodiq, which is not the signature on the ballot is the recapitulation. "The reason is not allowed by the district team (Applicant)," he explained.
The ballot recapitulation in Karangpenang went smoothly without any objection from each candidate. According to the witnesses presented by the Related Parties, Subur as a witness in District Election Committee of Karangpenang District, all witnesses present there is nothing to object. "The witness is present all, and no (object)," he explained.
Election Voting by Operator
Witnesses Petitioner also presented in this trial. According to Jalil as Petitioner’s witness, in the Village area of Karangpenang Onjur in TPS 2 has done voting ballots before closing at 13.00 pm, which is 11:30 pm. At that time, said Jalil, also the distribution of the ballot (voting) by the election organizers in the area. "I as a citizen, witnessed ballot distributed to all committee that is in TPS 2, namely KPPS and its members, upon approval of the Community Protection (Public Protection)," said Jalil in the trial.
Not only that, Jalil added that the witnesses presented by the Respondent in this case, namely Imam Wahyudi also obtain the distribution of ballots at the polling station. "One of the gain distributions of ballots is witnesses of the Respondent, Imam Wahyudi," he added.
After undergoing a series of evidentiary hearing long enough, it is cancelled for Friday Praying, the trial of Sampang Election dispute is finally finished. Next time before making a decision, either the Applicant, the Respondent and the Related Parties are given a turn in the conclusion to the Constitutional Court, on Monday (14/1), at 16.00 pm. (Shohibul Umam / mh)
Friday, January 11, 2013 | 18:02 WIB 115