The Constitutional Court handed the dispute of election result (PHPU) case files in 2012 to the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI), symbolically handed over by the Head of the General Bureau of the Court Mulyono to the Director of Acquisition ANRI Kandar, at the Centre for Education and Training of the Court in Bekasi, Tuesday, December 18, 2012. Submission of records this time is the third time of booking. Formerly the Court submits archive MK cases that have been handled in previous years to run ANRI.
In his speech, Mulyono said the handover was a manifestation mandate archive Act (Act) no. 43 of 2009 on Archives, while not up to the cooperation between the Court with ANRI to save documents that have historical value. Mulyono added to the ANRI submission Court records as a form of document storage and management of effective and efficient, since the year 2012, the Constitutional Court has dealt Test Case Act (PUU) of 132 cases, 149 cases PHPU regional heads, as well as 4 cases authority dispute state agencies.
Mulyono disclosed that this archive will be stored in the Court, and then within a period of 10 years is not enough anymore housed in the building owned by the Constitutional Court. The plan is to archive SKLN PUU and will be submitted to ANRI in 2013.
Director of acquisitions ANRI Kandar said archival benefits not only for MK, but also for ANRI. According to a drive, the Constitutional Court is an institution that is very active in fulfilling Act 43 of 2009. Drive also assess the Constitutional Court as an institution active in library archives and if there should be a judgment, the Court will receive the highest value compared to other agencies. According to him, the Court may become a model for other agencies in the management and documentation archives. (Ilham/ mh)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012 | 15:15 WIB 136