Court Commanded Re-Election Voting on Kapuas District

Plenary Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) ordered the General Election Commission (KPU) to implement the Kapuas Re-Voting (PSU) in all polling stations (TPS) located in five villages and one village spread over spread over five districts. The Village West Anjir Mambulau of East Kapuas District, East Anjir Mambulau Village of East Kapuas District; Naning Village of Basarang District, Village Middle New Tamban of Tamban Catur District, Sei Teras Village of Kapuas Kuala District and Hulu Strait of Strait District.

Similarly, that was Decision Number 94/PHPU.DX/2012 and Number 95/PHPU.DX/2012 happenings dispute election results of regional head and deputy regional head (Election) Kapuas 2012. Case Number 94/PHPU.DX/2012 was filed by candidates regent and vice regent number 1 Ben Brahim S. Bahat and H. Muhajirin (Ben-Jirin), while the number 95/PHPU.DX/2012 filed by Regent and Vice Regent Candidates number 2 H. Surya Dharma and Taufiqurrahman (Surya-Taufiq).

First, granting some requests mate Ben-Jirin. Second, delaying the implementation of the Commission Decision on the establishment of Kapuas 73/Kpts/KPU-Kab.020.435812/2012 number of votes Election recap Kapuas dated 19 November 2012, together with the Minutes of the Plenary Session of the recap 63/BA/XI/2012 number of votes Election Kapuas dated 19 November 2012.

Third, delaying the implementation of the Commission Decision on the establishment of Kapuas No. 74/Kpts/KPU-Kab.020.435812/2012 concerned with determination of Regent and Vice elected candidates, dated 19 November 2012, and the Minutes of the Plenary Session No. 64/BA/XI/2012 about fixing a couple of Regent and Vice Regent Candidate, dated 19 November 2012.

Fourth, the Commission ordered the Kapuas to conduct re-poll in six villages / sub as described above. Fifth, the Commission ordered the Kapuas, Central Kalimantan Provincial Election Commission, Election Commission of Indonesia, and the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu), to oversee the implementation of the PSU. Sixth, the Commission Ordered Kapuas, Central Kalimantan Provincial Election Commission, Election Commission of Indonesia, as well as to report on the implementation of the PSU to Bawaslu in six villages / sub-district to the Court no later than 60 days after pronouncing the verdict.

"Ordered Kapuas District Election Commission, Election Commission of Central Kalimantan, Election Commission, and the Election Supervisory Board, to report on the implementation of the ruling of this Court no later than 60 (sixty) days after the verdict is pronounced," said Chairman of the Constitutional Court Plenum Moh. Mahfud MD, accompanied by seven members, namely Achmad Sodiki, Harjono, Anwar Usman, Maria Farida Indrati, Hamdan Zoelva, Mohammed Alim, and M. Akil Mochtar, when hearing the spoken pronunciation of Decision Number 94/PHPU.DX/2012, Friday (14/12/2012) morning plenary session held in the lt. MK 2 buildings. 

Meanwhile, the ruling of the proposed 95/PHPU.DX/2012 number pair Surya-Taufiq, referring to the earlier decision, that decision 94/PHPU.DX/2012 number proposed by Ben-Jirin.

"The verdict, prosecuting, said the exception: exception reject defendant (KPU Kapuas) for all. In the principal issue: before issuing a final decision, suspend the imposition of decisions on the subject of the petition to the implementation of the decision of the Court Number 94/PHPU.DX/2012 dated 14 December 2012," said Moh. Mahfud MD on Verdict 95/PHPU.DX/2012.

Facts Money Politics

Get the facts the Court politics of money based on witness testimony and evidence presented Ben-Jirin spouse (Petitioner) and the couple Surya-Taufiq. Political money in some places was extensively in the form of distribution of money and goods that affect voters’ choices and specifically benefit Mawardi-Herson.

The practice of money politics is a violation of election practices that affect the creation of an unhealthy democracy and impact significantly on the number of vote’s candidates. This reduces the validity and legitimacy of the election results.

Proven money politics occurred in 5 (five) villages and 1 (one) villages spread over 5 (five) districts. Although the practice is not proven to be in compliance with the elements of structured in terms of involving the parties relating to the administration, but the widespread practice has shown the existence of planning or done systematically. This significantly affects the victory of each candidate, so that the Court so it should be a reason to vote Birthday. (Nur Rosihin Ana / mh)

Friday, December 14, 2012 | 22:11 WIB 151