The practice of public administration today has experienced rapid growth with the emergence of the theory of good governance. For that, there needs to be a paradigm shift in contemporary governance-oriented science teaching public administration in the college world.
It was submitted by the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court (MK), Janedjri M. Gaffar, a national seminar on "Development of the State Administration ILMI-Based Governance" organized by the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Eleven March University (UNS) Surakarta, in solo, Monday (10/12).
Furthermore Janedjri explained, governance-oriented government is a government that bases its assumption that state power is not only centered on the government, but diversified to civil society (civil society) and the public sector.
"Science should be able to contribute state administration towards democracy and openness, especially providing access to the community to participate in development, responsiveness to changes and demands of the community and prioritize community service, so that graduates are able to address the challenges specific to the character of Indonesian society" he added. Janedjri was also UNS alumnus and a doctorate candidate in Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University.
Completion of the Curriculum
Janedjri, who had a career in the Assembly’s General Secretariat added that his college experience at UNS, the teaching program course materials are very useful in practice when working in the real world. However, for provides graduates who excel, reorientation of Public Administration necessitate the improvement of the curriculum was based on the basis of competence; with emphasis on the ability of each graduate to be able to compete at a global level exist.
Further Janedjri said that there are 3 important things that must be developed in the implementation of competency-based curriculum that attitude, skills and knowledge. Pancasila subjects who had been dispensed an important subject and should be recalled in order to improve the competence of attitude every graduate. (Heru Setiawan)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 | 11:08 WIB 239