Two Couples Sued Kapuas Election Result

Two of the three candidates in the General Election Kapuas, Central Kalimantan Province in 2012, Ben Brahim S. Bahat-Muhajirin, and Surya Dharma-Taufiqurrhman, filed an objection to the Decision of the General Elections Commission (KPU) District of Kapuas regarding the determination of the selected candidates in the name of Muhammad Mawardi-Herson Barthel Aden.

Departing from these issues, the two candidates are suing and seeking justice to the Constitutional Court on Monday (3/12). Meanwhile applicant disputes the results of the General Election district court. Kapuas is Candidate Number 1 Bahat-94/PHPU.DX/2012 immigrants with the case number and Candidate Number 2 Dharma-Taufiqurrahman numbered 95/PHPU.DX/2012.

According to Bahat-Muhajirin, Kapuas Commission Decision canceled and declared to have binding legal force. Therefore, the General Election held in the district. Kapuas is filled with a lot of abuse and fraud is massive, structured, and systematic, well done prior to the last General Election.

"Petitioner objected to the provision (KPU District. Kapuas) is based on the violations and fraud committed Respondent (KPU District of Kapuas), and Candidate Regent and Vice Regent District. Kapuas Muhammad Mawardi-Herson Barthel Aden (Related Party)," said Petitioner Attorney Case No. 94 Bachtiar Effendi.

Based on the violations noted during the trial, Bachtiar attorney who accompanied the others invoke the Constitutional Assembly that the Commission’s decision to cancel the district. Kapuas determination regarding candidates elected, the Related Parties. "Declare non-binding letter of Election Commission Decision No. 73," said Bakhtiar.

It is also expressed by the principal applicant in the case of No. 95, Taufiqurrahman as candidate for vice regent District of Kapuas. In his explanation, he argues Election District of Kapuas many administrative and criminal violations, both prior to the ballot. "A lot of administrative violations and criminal offenses," said Taufiqurrahman.

Abused Power

Moreover, Taufiqurrahman judged Related Parties as well as the incumbent candidate abusing his authority as regent to issue an installation location socialization associated with props, political attributes, and the location of the General Election campaign. "Almost the entire facility installation, both permitted and forbidden, worn by candidate number 3 for socialization," said Petitioner No. 95.

In addition, continued Taufiqurrahman, there are a number of community groups doing engineering evil and rotten political conspiracy to scuttle her and her partner to stand as candidates for the General Election. "There is evil and engineering rotten politic conspiration, massive, structured, and systematic way to derail the nomination of candidate number two," he explained.

Therefore, invoking the Court’s order Taufiqurrahman declares null and void the decision KPU District. Kapuas dated 19 November 2012. "Ordered the District Election Commission of Kapuas to re-implement collection does not include candidate number 3, "asked the Petitioner to the Constitutional Assembly.

Constitutional judges are Anwar Usman, Ahmad Sodiki (chairman), and Muhammad Alim. Sodiki said, the applicant is allowed to make improvements at the latest petition on Tuesday (4/12) at 12.00 pm, delivered straight secretariat MK. Meanwhile, the next hearing will be held again on Wednesday (5/12), at 13:00 pm, to listen to the answers and responses Respondent Related Parties, or witnesses. (Shohibul Umam / mh)

Monday, December 03, 2012 | 20:48 WIB 162