Baubau Police Stated Election Safe

AKBP Daniel Adityajaya as chief police of Baubau testified at the trial court of dispute of election result of Baubau Regency, South Sulawesi in 2012 - Case No. 86, 87/PHPU.DX/2012 - at the Constitutional Court (MK), Wednesday (28/11) afternoon. In a statement, Daniel said that Baubau Election from start to finish stages of the General Election has been running safely and smoothly.

"We are implementing security at every stage, and all run safely and smoothly, including rally as well not exist," said Daniel, before a panel of judges led by Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Achmad Sodiki. He was accompanied by Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi and Harjono, respectively as members.

However, Daniel said the witnesses presented by Election Commission as Baubau Respondent, there are reports of election-related violations Panwaslu by Amanah Candidate Success Team (Amril Tamim and Agus Feisal Hidayat, no. Sort 6), but it was followed up. "(Panwaslu Report) we’ve followed up, it is still in the stage of filing at the police," he said.

Besides Panwaslu report, said Daniel, no longer associated with criminal violations elections. Meanwhile, regarding the future direction of the police judge it reasonable. "Directing our future fair value, because when they drove candidate verification phase all goes well," said chief police of Baubau.

Another witness presented by the Respondent is Chairman of DPC Party Pioneers Baubau Akhmad Aris. According to him, Pelopor Party only nominates candidates La Ode Mustari-Ikhsan Ismail, no. 5. "We just ran La Ode Mustari-Ikhsan Ismail, through the support of DPC and strengthened with the recommendations of the Central Board (Pelopor Party)," he said.

Description is different from the information submitted by the Petitioner witness No. 87, Arimin as elements of Pioneers Party Chairman DPW Southeast Sulawesi. In his statement, Arimin said that his party never nominates anyone in the General Election of Baubau. At the time of nomination, the provincial branch of slight internal problems.

"In Election Baubau Pelopor Party did not carry any candidate," he explained. "Because there is no management at that time (during the nomination Election Baubau)," he added.

Another witness also presented by the Petitioner No. 87. They are Sahyudin Ode from successful team of Candidate Saeru Eba and La Ode Hadia, Haryono of PPS Bataraguru, and Ma’ruf Arifudin as temporary employee in Baubau. All the witnesses presented by the applicant amounted to four people.

According to Sodiki, this trial was the last trial. Therefore, the parties in this case are expected to submit its conclusions completeness of the evidence, on Thursday (29/11), at 16.00, at the Court Building, Jakarta. (Shohibul Umam / mh/

Wednesday, November 28, 2012 | 16:53 WIB 114