Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD said that the substance contained in Pancasila is no problem anymore. Because, so many uprisings appear in this country could be crushed. In fact, people who demonstrate and rage, as well as doing anarchy to uphold Pancasila.
"So the matter of acceptance ideology (Pancasila) is final," said Mahfud when giving a speech Memorial Lecture TB Simatupang (remember services of Dr Tahi Bonar Simatupang, 1920-1990), organized by the Institute Leimena at Santika Hotel, Jakarta, Monday (12/11).
Attending the event, President of the Institute Leimena Jakob Tobing, Vice Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Board Member President Advisory Emil Salim, KH Salahuddin Wahid (Gus Solah), Gen. Ret. Luhut Panjaitan, and was also attended by dozens of members of the Institute Leimena, and a large family of TB Simatupang.
Furthermore, in terms of practice, Mahfud explained again by quoting a statement from Tobing that Pancasila is now in a cliff collapse. It thus resulting in the development of Pancasila is not practiced correctly. For instance, the development of democracy embraced by the Indonesian nation is currently very poor.
Therefore, Mahfud continue, it is precisely the event organized by the Institute Leimena to dig and recalls how before there was a man named T. B. Simatupang who have been thinking how to build a nation of Indonesia. "Sir Simatupang represents his generation, who had both accepted Pancasila," said Mahfud.
After explaining the Pancasila in practice, Mahfud then explained where Pancasila ideology to go. According to him, in the future Indonesian people should be optimistic, because the Indonesian people have a very good social capital. "I am proud of the state of Indonesia, because the bond of nationality is very strong," said Chairman MK’s.
In the end of his speech, Mahfud advised to all those who attended the event to understand and realize that Pancasila should be filled with construction rather than destruction. According to him, every step of the construction is done collectively to achieve a good purpose, a social welfare.
While said Jakob Tobing, Mr. Sim calls the totality of life familiar to T. B. Simatupang dedicated to the nation. "He was a firm and uncompromising describes his deep love for Pancasila and the people of Indonesia," said Jakob. "The sharp his vision forward, joined to give a basis for the development of the modern Indonesian military," he added.
The event also presented an interesting discussion regarding the "Development as implementation of Pancasila". In this discussion the speakers presented Prof. Dr. Adrianus Mooy and Prof. Dr. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, and the moderator is Rosiana Silalahi. (Shohibul Umam / mh/
Monday, November 12, 2012 | 20:27 WIB 166