Election Commission of Takalar District Stated Petitioner's arguments Irrelevant

Takalar Election Commission (Respondent) and Regional Chief Elected Candidate and M. Burhanuddin Baharuddin Natsir Ibrahim (Related Parties) denied accusations addressed to them. According to them, the Petitioner's arguments are unfounded. As stated by the legal representative of each party in Session II Case No. 75/PHPU.DX/2012, Tuesday (23/10) at the Panel Session Court.

According to Respondent Attorney, Mappinawang, the petition did not describe the violation occurs in a structured, systematic and massive. The question is only at 12 polling stations in 6 villages. In fact, he said, in the district of Takalar there are 96 villages with a total of 420 polling stations. "There is no reason to be called massive," he said.

The related fraud in the recruitment organizers expressed Petitioner in his petition, has also been denied by the Respondent. According Mappinawang, Respondent has conducted recruitment District Election Committee, Committee Ballot and Ballot Organizers faction based rules.

"For recruitment PPK was free, although registration is through the district office, because KDP office there," said Mappinawang. "The PPS was proposed by the village chief. It is set in the Act. The village head with BPD. The process is then governed by the Commission. "

Moreover, he said, organizers recruitment vote was conducted in January 2012, while the establishment candidate in August 2012. "And yet who will be drawn in pairs. Thus, the reason is irrelevant, "he said.

Sound arguments against the existence of deficiencies, according to the Respondent, it is an additional Permanent Voter Register is considered the Petitioner as a wide margin. "That's not a difference in the sound. It represents the difference between the lists of voters who netted through the post. And there is a list, and we will show," he said.

While the extent of the DPT and mass mobilization in the TPS, have also been denied by the Respondent. "We think this is also wrong. KPU issued only once DPT, DPT is used when voting. "

Syamsuardi, Attorney Related Party, said that in essence it has never made a practice of money politics in the General Election in the district of Takalar. "Overall a disputed by the applicant, the Related Party emphatically denied that. Because it never happened," he said. "There were never any events as described by the Petitioner."

In fact, says Syamsuardi, what is alleged to Related Parties no sense. Therefore, Candidate Number 2 is not a ruling on the district. Takalar. According to him, the Related Parties had no power to regulate the government. Therefore, this request is unreasonable. Although, M. Natsir Ibrahim as Candidate Deputy Regent was the son of the Regent who now served. "Since the election, Mr. Natsir Ibrahim, never sanctioned by his father (his parents)," he said.

In this trial, also presented witnesses Applicant. There were 23 witnesses presented by the applicant. In the petition, the Petitioners comprising Candidate No. 4 Syamsarin Kitta and Hamzah Barlian and Candidate No.. Sort 6 Andi Makmur A. Sadda and Nashar A. Baso, postulate violations and fraud committed by the Respondent and the Related Parties, among other things: add the sound of the Related Party, reducing the number of votes the Petitioner, and the involvement of government structures. Next session was to be held on Wednesday (24/10) morning, in the courtroom of the Constitutional Court. (Dodi / mh/Yazid.tr)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 | 17:58 WIB 196