Deputy Chief Justice Achmad Sodiki attended Congress of Indonesian Law on the theme "Science Congress Indonesian Law: Reflection and Reconstruction of Legal Studies Indonesia" which lasted for two days, Friday-Saturday (19-20/10) at Hotel Santika Premiere, Semarang. The event aims to bring the law into the development of cutting-edge science is now mature.
Sodiki this occasion convey the main points of his thinking in a paper entitled "The Politics of Law in Construction Law". The outline presented Sodiki thinking at this event to discuss the various political viewpoints law experts from different points of view of the Indonesian nation. Among others who point out the view of Satjipto Rahardjo, Bagir Manan, and Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara.
In the paper presented, also suggests political Sodiki existing law in the Constitutional Court's decision, such as the permissibility of a citizen whose name if it is not listed in the voters list (DPT) is still able to use their right to vote in elections. It is, strictly Sodiki, a political breakthrough in the decision of the Court. So it can be said Court do politics of law in its decision. In addition, some political decision of the Court of law is also relevant parliamentary threshold; a limit to the head area can be served in the same position, two terms and so forth.
In addition to the Vice Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Congress Law also attended by experts in law who already have teaching professionalism and high flying hours. In addition, the average attendance at this event is a great teacher, whom Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto, B. Arief Sidharta, Barda Nawawi Arief. Esmi Warassih, Eman Suparman (Chairman of the Judicial Commission). (Ardiansyah Salim / mh/
Monday, October 22, 2012 | 13:14 WIB 181