Election Result of Tanggamus District to be disputed

Recapitulation of votes cast by the General Elections Commission (KPU) of Tanggamus District, Lampung province, on Election Year 2012 disputed by Fauzan Syaie and Diza Noviandi as regent and deputy regent candidates District of Tanggamus at the Constitutional Court (MK). They objected to the Minutes Summary of Result of Election No. 791/BA/BA/2012 of Tanggamus District.

This was conveyed by Fauzan-Diza as Petitioner in No. 74/PHPU.DX/2012 case, the trial Court on Wednesday (17/10). "Declare invalid and binding decision of the Commission on the establishment candidate regent and deputy regent District of Tanggamus 2012 and disqualify candidates No. 6 (Bambang Kurniawan-Samsul Hadi)," pleaded the Petitioner in his petition.

The applicant argued that the Commission of Tanggamus District as Respondent and no. 6 as Related Party has made a number of violations that are structured, systematic and massive. For instance, the Respondent intentionally passed candidates who do not meet the requirements.

 "Respondent has made a mistake administrative procedures and verification of nomination Yahdi Sujianto (a candidate for vice-regent), which uses a diploma issued by the boarding school who does not have permission education / teaching," said his attorney represented Petitioner Susi Handayani tour.

 Then, according to the Petitioner, the Respondent also let the Voting Committee (PPS) to perform alignments on one candidate. "(Respondent) make decisions and policies arbitrarily without any prior discussion with all candidates," wrote the petition.

Budget diverted

In addition, the Petitioner also argued that the Related Party has made the financial abuse of Revenue and Expenditure (Budget) in the form, the use of a uniform material purchase yellow legs teachers as much Rp. 1707750000, - to couples campaign No. 6 as the incumbent. "(Purchase uniforms) was not done through a tender according to the rules," he said. While the implementation of the procurement, the applicant, made by a company that is not class.

Abuse of social assistance budget items for volunteer activities incumbent travel to Gold Dome Mosque, Depok, and the distribution of gifts to the people who do the wedding that includes images and names district candidate (incumbent) is also disputed by the applicant.

"Abuse and the use of the budget that does not comply with the usage constitute misconduct and against regulations interior minister," said the applicant before the Constitutional Assembly led by Akil Mochtar, accompanied by Hamdan Zoelva.

Petitioner Denied

Respondent and Related Party, each denied Petitioner. According to Respondent, Petitioner obscuur libel (blurred), because it cannot explain clearly what is argued in his petition. "Application Applicants vague, because it could not explain clearly what is postulated," said the applicant's attorney.

The same thing also expressed by the Related Parties. Through their attorney, the Related Party said the petition was not true, especially with respect to the budget. According to him, teachers have begun uniforms are continuously since 2010. "So, the financial abuse of budgets (in the General Election) is not true," he said.

The trial follows the testimony of Petitioner, Respondent, and the Related Parties, and will be held on 10 October 2012, at 16.00 pm. Plan, the applicant present about one hundred witnesses, Respondent present eleven witnesses, and Related Parties present thirty witnesses. (Shohibul Umam / mh/Yazid.tr)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 | 17:12 WIB 215