General Elections Commission (KPU) in West Kalimantan (Kalimantan) in 2012 as a Respondent in proceedings in the Constitutional Court (MK), Tuesday (9/10), stating unequivocally rejected the Petitioner alleged that the C1 model form given moment only the copies Election Underway . Because, he said, the Commission has implemented rules and regulations, so that legitimate what is given in the decision.
That is one of the core are submitted by the Respondent's attorney at trial PHPU Kalbar Nazirin 2012 to listen to the Respondent's response and the response of the Related Parties. The trial was filed by Effendy Moerkes-Burhanuddin A. Rasyd case 68/PHPU.DX/2012, and Armin A. Ali Anyang-Fathan Rashid case 70/PHPU.DX/2012, each of candidates as governor and deputy governor Kalbar Province 2012.
On the other hand, the Respondent also denied Petitioners' argument that says that it is technically a violation of PPK (District Selection Committee) and PPS (Voting Committee). It thus denied by the Respondent, as the Applicant only on test selection interview only. "Therefore, the selection made by the Respondent in accordance with the existing provisions," said Nazirin.
Massive violations, structured, and systematic applicant alleged, entirely denied by the Respondent. According Nazirin, Respondent has run the data updating process by Commission regulation No. 12/2010 on the guidelines and procedures of updating the list good owner.
Based on the considerations that exist, the Respondent asked the Petitioners' petition to be declared unacceptable. "In an exception, granted Respondent's exception to all, and to declare the petition cannot be accepted. KPU Decree No. stated. 59/2012 was lawful," said Nazirin.
Petitioner Questionable
While the Related Parties represented attorneys Arteria Dahlan said that the Petitioner No. 70 alleged violations occurred by Related Parties are structured violations, massive and systematic, but the argument was not clear what was meant by the violation. "If there is any violation, what kind of his character?" Arteria asked. "To say there is massive by any applicant affect acquisition candidates."
Meanwhile, the petition Petitioner asks for a canceled news recapitulation, but on the other hand some say should be disqualified. "If you say so, Petitioners petition on the establishment candidates should also be canceled first, and played there," he said.
Chief Justice Moh. Mahfud MD, chairman of the panel, said that the trial will resume on Friday to prove the arguments of each party have been submitted to the court. "It will all be proven in the next hearing on Friday, October 12, 2012, at 9:30 am, in this building," he explained. (Shohibul Umam / mh/
Tuesday, October 09, 2012 | 20:08 WIB 126