Batu City Election sued to the Constitutional Court

The number of violations in the elections of regional head of Batu, Malang, caused a case to the Constitutional Court by the three pairs of candidates, even though the results have not been approved by the Election Commission Batu. The first trial was the case with 66/PHPU.DX/2012 number held by the Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (8/10) at the Court Meeting Room. The petitioners in this case, namely Abdul Majid-Kustomo, Mohamad Suhadi-Suyitno, and Gunawan Wirutomo-Soendjojo.

In principal the petition, Petitioner, represented by legal counsel Setyo Eko Cahyono, postulating objected to Batu KPU Decree No. 29/Kpts/KPU Kota-014.329951/2012 dated 21 September 2012 concerning Stipulation Will CalonKepala Couple Regional and Deputy Head of the Name Eddy Rumpoko -Punjul Santoso as The Candidate Election Participants Eligible For Regional Head and Deputy Head of Stone Town in 2012. "However, in addition to SK Batu Commission, there is also the General Elections Commission Decision No. 29/Kpts/KPU Kota-014.329951/2012 Stone Town on 21 September 2012 on the Establishment of Future Candidate Regional Head and Deputy Head of the Name Eddy Rumpoko and Punjul Santoso, MM For The Qualified Candidate For Election Participants Regional Head and Deputy Head of Stone Town in 2012 was a decision that was not based on law and disability law, "said Setyo before the Constitutional Council, chaired by the Vice Chairman MK Ahmad Sodiki.

Meanwhile, in petitum, Petitioner requested that the Constitutional Assembly which was also attended by Justice and Constitutional Harjono declared invalid and void Electoral Commission Decision of Stone Town. "Establishing the names of eligible candidates pasnagan as participants in the election of Regional Head and Deputy Head of Stone Town in 2012 is as follows: Candidate Abdul Madjid-Kustomo, Mohamad Suhadi-Suyitno, Gunawan Wirutomo-Soendjojo. Then, declared valid and enforceable Batu Commission Decision About Decision No. No.20/Kpts/KPU Kota-014.329951/2012. Sort Candidate Regional Head and Deputy Head of the General DalamPemilihan Regional Head and Deputy Head of Stone Town in 2012, "he explained.

Sodiki explained that the applicant had to change objectum litis (object case) petition. "It must be understood that objectum litis Court election dispute of regional heads. Dalil you must be adapted to objectum litis MK. Objectum litisnya petition is not clear, because the issue is the Commission SK Batu," he explained.

While Harjono consider the petition is premature because the actual Election Commission has not endorsed Batu Batu Election results in accordance with Law No. 15 Year 2009 on proceedings in the Guidelines for Election Dispute. Thus, the applicant must make a new suit, "he said. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh/

Monday, October 08, 2012 | 19:00 WIB 171