Ambassador of India Visit the Court

India's Ambassador to Indonesia Gurjit Singh a visit to discuss with the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD on Wednesday (3/10) at the Delegation of the Constitutional Court. On that occasion, it is accompanied by Mahfud,  Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi and Secretary General Janedjri M. Gaffar. 

Gurjit said Indonesia is unique because it has two judiciary, the Constitutional Court (MK) and the Supreme Court (MA). While in India, there is only one agency "in India do not have the Constitutional Court, India only MA, to perform functions such as MKRI. I heard MKRI also has the authority to conduct impeachment? When in India, do impeachment by parliament," he explained. 

In response, Mahfud explain India can do it because they adhere to a parliamentary system, while Indonesia adopted a presidential system. For that, go Mahfud, impeachment in Indonesia must be done through the courts before the president was found guilty. "Indonesia adopts a presidential system, in order to carry out impeachment, there should be checks through the judiciary," he said. 

According to Mahfud, Indonesia and India have a common challenge to democracy. Mahfud explained demoktasi challenges will always be there. "There will always be rejected and pull between kepentigan public with private interests. Then a large population and a large order of state in history to make us grow well. Discussions to share experiences in dealing with the challenges in sustaining democracy, "he explained. (Lulu Anjasari / mh/

Wednesday, October 03, 2012 | 18:45 WIB 156