Second Round Election of Aceh Tamiang District Disputed to Court

General Election of the 2nd round of Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Province Year 2012 assessed Candidate Regent and Vice Regent District. Aceh Tamiang Agus Salim and Abdussamad (No. 4) considered there were a number of prior violations until after the ballot. Therefore, they are as Petitioners dispute the matter No. 63/PHPU.DX/2012 to Constitutional Court (MK) on Friday (28/9) at the Panel Session Court Building, Jakarta.

"These violations are included in the category of offense is structured, systematic and massive, affecting and No. favorable candidates. Sort 10 (Hamdan as Sati-Iskandar Zulkarnain Related Party), and otherwise harm the applicant, "explained the Petitioner in his petition.

According to the applicant through his lawyer Kamaruddin, those offenses are ahead of the vote was the mobilization of the TNI and Police / BRIMOB on a large scale in the district. Aceh Tamiang, causing public unrest. "In fact, at the same time often see military people in and out of the village and Brimob complete with weapons," said Kamaruddin.

In addition, according to the Petitioner, the TNI also act negatively on Arju Sahidir as the Secretary of DPC PA (Aceh Party) district. Seruway. Arju Sahidir, they say, to get rough treatment and verbal abuse from members of the TNI, amounting to 6 (six) people. Additionally, as residents Seneubok Zailani when voting by the police chief pulled Manyak Payed. Not so long ago, said the applicant, which contains the car came TNI repel Zailani.

Military / Police are also allowed to be involved in the winning No. Sort 10. According to the applicant, this can be evidenced by their stigmatization performed by using the symbol "Homeland Price Death" throughout the night patrolling posts have been installed before the implementation of the General Election. "The use of the symbol is a form of psychological terror so that people do not choose a candidate that was carried by the Aceh Party (Party of Former Combatants Free Aceh Movement)," he explained.

Ability recite Al-Quran Hamdan Sati was also questioned by the Applicant. According to them, the Respondent the Independent Election Commission (KIP) District. Aceh Tamiang deliberately passed Hamdan Sati as a potential partner. "And the facts have proven Hamdan Sati was unable to read the Koran," he said.

Petitioner Denied

Respondent denied the same opportunity Petitioner's arguments. According to Nur Alam, Respondent's attorney, the implementation of the Aceh Election Tamiang has been run in accordance with applicable regulations. On the other hand, when calculating plenum ballots conducted by the Respondent was also attended by two witnesses candidate.

Alhamdullah, said Alam, a second witness candidates filed no objections related to the calculation of ballots conducted by KIP Kab. Aceh Tamiang. "Witnesses candidates objected because of the pressure, not related to the calculation of the ballot," he said.

With regard to the allegations relating to the cooperation Petitioner by the Respondent with government officials, said Alamsyah, so it is not true. According to him, KIP did not cooperate with the district government officials. Aceh Tamiang. "There is no cooperation with government authorities. KIP remain neutral," explained Respondent's attorney.

At the end of the trial, Judge Constitution after hearing testimony from both sides, asked to present the 5 (five) witnesses of the Applicant and the Respondent at its next session, which is Monday (1/10), At 14.00 pm. The plan in this case, the applicant will bring as many as 28 witnesses, and the Respondent to present as many as 10 witnesses. (Shohibul Umam / mh/

Friday, September 28, 2012 | 18:30 WIB 113