Court Inaugurated Structural and Functional Registrar Officials

The Constitutional Court (MK) organized the inauguration and swearing-in as many as 58 officials of the structural and functional secretariat in the Registrar's Office and the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, Monday (3/9) afternoon, at Hall Elementary Court Building, Jakarta. Inauguration and pronunciation was simple and solemn was witnessed by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD, Deputy Chief Justice Ahmad Sodiki, and other constitutional judges.

Secretary-General MK Janedjri M Gaffar directly guiding the inauguration and swearing-in was witnessed by the Registrar of the Court Kasianur Sidauruk, and officials at the agency. Also present as witnesses in the show, the Selection Team consisting of Saldi Isra (chairman), Arief Hidayat, I Dewa Gede Palguna, their lawyers, and Rudolf M. as a psychologist, as well as PT. Dunamis Mitra Indonesia, as the well-known consulting firm in Indonesia.

The event basically follow the Presidential Regulation No. 49 in 2012 on the Registrar and Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, which is necessary organizational structuring and filling several positions of structural and functional secretariat in the Registrar's Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court.

In addition to the inauguration and swearing-in of 58 employees, consisting of 42 structural employee’s and 16 functional employees’ secretariat in the Registrar's Office and the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, the event also inaugurated a candidate for Civil Servants Civil Servants at the agency that Vera Patricia Madanna Purba.

As Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD in the event congratulated all employees who attend the inauguration and swearing. The process of selection by the Court that caused the employees to get a new position in the office, according to Mahfud, a process that is objective and earnest.

It thus proved by the Court, continued Mahfud, by forming a team selection brought from outside the courts. "The Court does not conduct its own assessment. There is a selection team from reliable sources individuals, who do not have disabilities in the community and the college, "said Mahfud in his speech.

"The results from it form the basis appointment of new officials. That is, we have no personal interest or the bonds of friendship, "said Mahfud MD in front of all those present, including the companion of officials who had been inducted.

Mahfud also believed, the selection process is done by the team selection and PT. Dunamis Mitra Indonesia is a professional can be justified. "There should be no nepotism, there should be no closeness," message Mahfud. "I wish we shared the Court's case with all authority, and all public trust attached to it," said the Mahfud MD, as head of the judiciary.

Therefore, Mahfud thank the team selection and the parties who have helped the Court in determining the positions which are suitable for the employees. "Work is the father of all the (team selection and PT. Dunamis Mitra Indonesia) has helped us to detach ourselves from these interests in our midst," he said.

At the end of his speech, Mahfud MD hope to all employees, especially employees who were sworn in and get a new job in order to do the job as well as possible in accordance with their respective responsibilities. "Please brother does the job as well as possible in accordance with the oath you," said former Defense Secretary in Gus Dur era. (Shohibul Umam / mh/

Monday, September 03, 2012 | 22:47 WIB 193