Interview on Court Officer Selection

Selection in the context of organizational structuring and filling some of the structural and functional positions within the Registrar's Office Registrar's Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court (MK) as a follow-up of the issuance of Presidential Decree (Presidential Decree) No.. 49/2012 on the Registrar's Office and the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court entered the stage of the interview. Stages lasted for 2 (two) days, from Saturday-Sunday (28-29/7), the Court Building, Jakarta.

There are about 63 staff of the Registrar and Secretary General of the Court, ranging from Echelon II to the lower level, which the event. They are candidates for functional secretariat officials, amounting to about 21 employees, and the remaining 42 employees are candidates for the structural environment in the Registrar's Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court, according to Court letter No 2342/KP.04.00/07/2012.

Purpose of the interview stage is to dig deeper into the quality of the staff of the Registrar and Secretary General of the Court. To accomplish this, each employee individually interviewed by a selection team consisting of professors from universities in Indonesia and the national figures who are experts in their respective fields.

They are Saldi Isra (chairman), Arief Hidayat, I Dewa Gede Palguna, Muchamad Ali Syafaat, four experts in the field of law. While the selection of other team members, namely Imam B. Prasodjo as a sociology expert, and Rudolf M. as psychologists.

Not enough of it, for 2 (two) days of the Court officials also interviewed by professionals from the PT. Dunamis Mitra Indonesia, as the famous consulting company in Indonesia, and of course all the teams come from outside the Court.


In between busy giving interviews to all employees, I Dewa Gede Palguna willing to give an explanation to the media associated with the basic objectives of these activities is held. According to him, actually filling the position is full authority of the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar. However, the Secretary General of the Court seems to want advice in structuring the organization and filling several positions of structural and functional secretariat in MK.

"Actually, filling the position is full authority of the Secretary-General. Only the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court seems to want objective, do not want to use his own authority. So it made the selection team to assess the ability of (the employee), "he told Media.

In addition, Palguna also said that the selection process conducted by the Court during this is a very important breakthrough. And agencies can also do the same thing as the Court in making the realignment of their respective organizations. "This was an important breakthrough. In fact I think this can be replicated by other agencies," he said.

With regard to the criteria given to employees about the Court, Palguna generally explained that the given one of them about the judiciary and the Court of Law. However, he added, given the questions must distinguish between employers and employees of the structural functional MK.

After the interview stage of the process is complete, then the employees have attended the 3 (three) stages of the assessment test, on Saturday, July 14, 2012, and competency exams on Saturday, July 21, 2012, and the last stage of the interview that you just follow .

The whole outcome of the process stages are followed by employees of the Constitutional Court is scheduled to be reported to the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar. After the interview stage is completed, each of which will determine the outcome of these activities. "It (the selection) will be reported to the Secretary General (MK)," explained Palguna.

Various comments also asked the employees after attending the interview stage. One of them, Noor Sidharta as candidate structural say that whatever the result, officials could be placed in proper position. "Anyone who'll get from these results, it could put people at the right place," he added.

Prospective functional secretariat officials Muhidin, also declined to comment to the media associated with these stages. According to him, the stage is quite adequate in determining the officers required by the Court. "Quite sufficient, and can be determined (the officials) in the Constitutional Court that is needed," he said. (Shohibul Umam / mh/

Monday, July 30, 2012 | 06:22 WIB 139