The Constitutional Court held a hearing dispute the election results of West Aceh District Second Round of candidates filed by the regent and vice regent serial number 11, Ramli - Moharriadi Syafari. Preliminary hearing, chaired by Constitutional Justice M. Akil Mochtar was held on Monday (23/7) in the Meeting Room of the Constitutional Court Panel.
The applicant, represented by its legal counsel, Zainuddin Lung, West Aceh KIP expressed as the Respondent has committed an offense and fraud that are structured, systematic and massive in West Aceh Election second round. Zainuddin explains the results of vote count recapitulation and the Respondent produce the number, the applicant as much as 40 111 votes and the Related Party as much as 50 378 votes. However, he added, there are some violations that the Respondent and the Related Parties. "First, we found a successful team mate number 8 to PPS and KDP officials in several districts, including the District of Johan Pahlawan, Kawai Sixteen, and others. Such action is contrary to the Implementation of Election Law, "he said.
In addition, Zainuddin added that the Respondent’s actions did not give DPT to the Applicant witness. Then, the voters are welcome to choose repeatedly in several polling stations. "For example, it is done by Ramli. He voted several times because he did not dip a finger into the ink after voting. In addition, the voters in the polling station accompanied by PPS officers, "he said.
Another issue is the applicant disclosed the existence of underage voters, especially the students of pesantren, the Aceh Party officials who go to the polls with attributes menggnakan party, the PPS which directs officers to choose the candidate number 8. "In addition, West Aceh Panwaslukada blind eye to the reported statement by the applicant," he explained.
For this reason, in petitum, Petitioner requested that the Panel of the Constitutional Court to cancel the recapitulation and the Minutes are created by KIP Aceh Barat. "Cancel the Decree KIP Aceh Barat No. 65/2012 on the results of calculation and determination of Regent and Vice Regent of West Aceh. West Aceh KIP and ordered to re-vote by changing the entire staff of PPS and PPK," he explained.
In the trial, the judges are also composed of Judge Alim Muhammad Constitution and Hamdan Zoelva, decided to postpone the hearing until Tuesday, July 24, 2012. The trial will be held at 15:00 pm beragendakan hear the testimony of the Respondent and the Related Parties. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh/
Monday, July 23, 2012 | 22:43 WIB 143