Dispute the results of elections of regional head of Pati regency of Central Java after the ballot title again (PSU) last June 16, 2012, entered into evidence at the hearing of the Constitutional Court on Monday (7/16/2012) afternoon. Numerous witnesses testified during the trial four times for the combined case filed five pairs of candidates Slamet Warsito-Sri Mulyani (44/PHPU.DX/2012 case), Imam Suroso-Sujoko (45/PHPU.DX/2012 case), H. Sri Merditomo-H. Karsidi (46/PHPU.DX/2012 case), Sri Susahid-Hasan (47/PHPU.DX/2012 case), and the couple Hj. Kartina Sukawati-H. Supeno (48/PHPU.D-X/2012 case).
Nurcahyo Beny Nurhadi, one of the witnesses presented by the Commission Pati, describes the implementation of the plenary vote recapitulation, socialization change the location of the signature field on the ballot, the vote of candidates, and the accusations against him are considered neutral. In the presence of Constitutional Justice Achmad Sodiki Panel (Panel Chair), Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi, and Harjono, Nurcahyo the KDP district chairman in his testimony relates Cluwak recapitulation of vote counting plenary meeting on 20-21 June 2012 at the Commission offices Pati. Recapitulation of votes per-district running smoothly. But the last time the District Trangkil recap, the objection appears paslon witnesses. Only candidates’ witness Haryanto-Budiyono (no. 5), which signed the beam, while the five other paslon witnesses did not sign. "The objection that the reason the ballot, not the result of the recap," said Nurcahyo.
According to Nurcahyo, socialization ballots conducted by order of the Commission and the recommendation of the Supervisory Committee Pati because of changes in design and format of the ballot. The socialization involves three things, namely the displacement is not a signature on a form provided but was moved in the upper right corner, behind the logo of the Commission. Then, order the Commission to KPPS Starch by PPK and PPS to instruct KPPS to open the ballot, to show the voters and witnesses, and make sure that the sound card will be given to voters in a state of being damaged. "Third, after the witnesses and the voters saw no broken, folded back, and then submitted to the voters to go to the voting booth," the story of Nurcahyo. "Are there socialization when the object?" said Achmad Fadlil Sumadi. "No," replied Nurcahyo.
Another witness, Imam Sufyan, Chairman of the Sub Sukolilo PPK, also explain the socialization process of change in the ballot to vote recapitulation which he said went well. "Meeting the recapitulation of vote counting at district level Sukolilo we have entered on June 17, 2012. At a meeting of recapitulation was no objection from the witness, the witness who attended the chance of candidate pair number five, "said Imam. ”(Candidates’ witness) What else?" said Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi. "The others are not present," replied the Imam. Imams also denied Petitioner’s witness testimony related to allegations of a number of punched ballots prior to the drawing of Haryanto-Budiyono. "It is based on our monitoring polling places that the ballots given to voters in a good situation," he explained. A refutation of allegations of invalid votes of 240 in one polling station in the district Sukolilo. "That is not true, because the highest invalid ballots in a polling station in the District Sukolilo is 34 votes, which is contained in the TPS 15 Sukolilo Village, Sukolilo District," Imam said.
Meanwhile, MUHAMMADUN, one of the witnesses presented paslon Haryanto-Budiyono as Related Parties, among other design issues to explain the ballot format. This is known as an invitation to attend a coordination meeting at the KPU office Pati. "The meeting was rowdy," said MUHAMMADUN who is also chairman of the campaign team-Budiyono Haryanto.
Other witnesses called Sismoyo, secretaryof Haryanto-Budiyono campaign team. Sismoyo denied the allegations of money politics Haryanto-Budiyono addressed. Then it is denial about black campaign. PSU because it was not at the stage of the campaign activities. "Moreover, the (campaign) is black," said Sismoyo.
In addition, it is the rebuttal to intimidation and mobilization of civil servants. According to him, he supported the couple are civil servants who have resigned, so they no longer go to the office. "So, the allegations presented to the pair number 5 of this course are not true," said Sismoyo. (Rosihin Nur Ana / mh/Yazid.tr)
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 | 16:56 WIB 138