Mahfud MD Gives Speech on Boarding Schools Development

"There is a misunderstanding mass media regarding the statement of atheism and communism, which some time ago the media fuss, in a press conference after receiving the visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel," said the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK), Moh. Mahfud MD in the seminar "The Role of Media in the Development of Boarding School" in Al-Itqon boarding school in Semarang, Central Java, on Saturday (14/7). In front of a boarding school educator in Central Java, presented by Mahfud MD that when discussing the issue of religious freedom in Indonesia with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel made it clear to Mahfud if he was an anti-anti-communism and atheism.

Mahfud said to Angela Merkel, he said that the Republic of Indonesia has the ideology of Pancasila, where the sound of the first principle stated Belief in God Almighty, the Court based on Pancasila and never discriminate against religion. Although the first principle of Pancasila say that Belief in God Almighty, but for an admitted communist and atheist cannot be punished, because no rules can be convicted of violating the constitution.

Speaking about the role of mass media in the development of boarding schools, expressed by former Vice Rector III Islamic University of Indonesia’s Yogyakarta, he was surprised when visiting one of the traditional Islamic boarding schools, where students at the school are prohibited from reading newspapers, watching television and listening to radio on the grounds to keep the students of media contamination. According to him, it would not be profitable for the schools and students to interact and keep abreast of the social community.

Added Mahfud, boarding schools have a major role in the history of the independence of Indonesia, where the format of Indonesian struggle becomes apparent when the schools involved in the fighting. Another role of pesantren in recorded history was when boarding was able to save Indonesia from undermining the Communist Party of Indonesia, by restoring Indonesia to form the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and Pancasila in 65 years.

But according to Professor of Law Faculty of Law Faculty of UII and Gajah Mada University (UGM), the weakness of boarding schools in the past do not reoccur, when boarding the successful completion of the nation’s problems, the students are returning to boarding school, and did not guard what has been championed by pesantren. So that what was achieved by the students actually managed by the wrong people.

Revealed by the man born Sampang, he had met with board members who were cooking the draft Act (Act) of the boarding school, which states that many students from the great boarding school in behaving condition of Indonesia. "And now, back to boarding school called by history, to save Indonesia that are being ensnared by the number of cases of corruption, even the procurement of the Qur’an was also corruption," said Mahfud MD

"Pondok schools must also maintain the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, because the former boarding school has provided a major contribution to Indonesia,” added Mafud MD. (Hamdi Ahmad / mh/

Tuesday, July 17, 2012 | 19:34 WIB 232