The National Librarians Visit the Court

Some employees of the National Library visit to the Constitutional Court on Friday (13/7) morning. They were received by Court Librarian Hanindyo. On that occasion, he explained briefly about the Library Court. It is starting from the history books, to plan the development of the Library Court.

Hanindyo explained that the existence of Court libraries is essential in the implementation of day-to-day authority of the Constitutional Court. "The creation of the Constitutional Court library Court because the judge needs to make good decisions," he said. Often, judges need to formulate a variety of literature to support the legal considerations.

At first, he said, MK is a library room measuring 4x6 meters. But now, Court has a library located on floors 5, 6, and 16 floors. For the 16-floor library, he added, is only used by judges and certain employees only, not open to the public.

"The Court has the concept of Library reading garden and open space. MK students visited the library to do an internship, and even to make a thesis, "he explained. At present, he argues, the Court Library collections of books exists at approximately 22,000 copies.

Furthermore, continued Hanindyo, in 2006, the Constitutional Court building new systems to support performance. "Approximately 7 system including library system," he said. Currently, the library has a system called Simpus. MK library book catalog can also be read via the Online Library MOJ is accessed through the Court’s official website,

In 2012, the Court its plan library will be developed into a Center for Historical Documentation of the Constitution and the Constitutional Court which is located on level 5 and 6. "The library will now be moved to the 8th floor," he said. He says in the documentation center will be built dioramas on the history of the constitution and the MOJ.

In addition, in order to improve the quality of the librarians, the Court also has made several efforts, including: conduct pilot degree, participated in several discussions and studies, as well as an internship. "Conditions as a librarian should be able to serve visitors well."

After the talk, Hanindyo with entourage of National Library then visited the rooms of the library at the Court. (Dodi / Cindy / Heni / mh/

Friday, July 13, 2012 | 18:34 WIB 153