Hamdan Zoelva Presents Constitution to Law Students of National University

The Constitutional Court (MK) commonly referred to as The Guardian of Constitution or the Constitutional Guard. Court duty is to control the constitutional right to walk in the corridor.

"Language is simple, ‘police the Constitution’. When implemented in a distorted constitution, the Constitutional Court can declare ‘straighten out’. If you deviate from the Constitution Act, the Act was canceled. If the President deviates from the constitution, the president is dismissed, "said Hamdan Zoelva to law students of National University (Unas) who visited the Constitutional Court on Friday (6/7).

"Not long ago Egypt’s Constitutional Court to dissolve parliament. Also, the President of the Philippines dismissed by the Court the Philippines. Election results in an Eastern European country was canceled by the Constitutional Court, and others," added Hamdan.

Hamdan describes the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MOJ) was born on August 13, 2003, has four powers and the obligation. In addition there are nine constitutional justices, three men came from the government, three men came from the House and three men came from the President. "The nine constitutional justices, also called the nine pillars of truth," said Hamdan without intending to over-exaggerate.

Hamdan further explained that the 1945 is a concrete example of a constitution. 1945 Constitution consists of 37 chapters of the Preamble to the Additional Rules. Norms in the 1945’s, escorted by the Court.

"The articles in the 1945 process must occur according to the purpose stated in the constitution," said Hamdan.

Thus, the Constitution is a written text which set basic rules in the life of the state. In addition, continued Hamdan, constitutional treatises containing the background of the birth of a constitution.

"Therefore, control of the constitution, must also master the minutes of the birth of the constitution," said Hamdan, who also formulate and adopt changes to the constitution of Indonesia.

Hamdan is said again, understand the Constitution - the 1945 - also must understand the philosophy of Indonesia which is summarized in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution. Opening of the 1945 Constitution contains the values of the constitution which is much broader, more profound than just text.

"Understanding the constitution of this nation to understand the philosophy of an implicit understanding," said Hamdan to students. (Nano Tresna Arfana / mh/Yazid.tr)

Friday, July 06, 2012 | 19:07 WIB 163