All students of the Faculty of Law (FH) University of Pamulang visited the Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (18/6) morning. This aims to recognize their coming closer to the Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Court received directly by Usman Anwar in the Hall of the Constitutional Court.
"The role of students is so large in the life of the nation. Without the students, the 1998 reform may not be born," said Anwar Usman told the students that attend.
Anwar went on, one of the demands for reform is the law enforcement and justice, in addition to demand improvements in all areas of life, society, politics, including the demands improvements in the economic field.
"Ultimately, the struggle resulted in the collapse of the New Order regime, the regime switch with the reform," said Anwar.
However, Anwar continued, despite the reform regime is more than 10 years passed, the people of Indonesia still often hear the hustle and bustle of life of the nation. Various news of law enforcement in Indonesia continues to adorn the pages of mass media.
"Including today in a leading media. The poll results of R & D media, amid widespread distrust of law enforcement in Indonesia, the Constitutional Court was placed as a law enforcement agency that is considered good and is able to exercise authority of the Constitutional Court, "said Anwar.
"The Constitutional Court is able to straighten the state system and the system of national and state," added Anwar linked the media poll.
Anwar further explained the history of judicial review that began with Marbury vs Madison Case (1803). After it was discussed on the background formation of MK in the world, based on Hans Kelsen idea that in order for the provisions of the constitution as the supreme law can be guaranteed its execution, needed an organ of a legal product in conflict with the constitution or not.
On that occasion, MK Anwar, also explains the background of changes to the 1945 birth in 1999-2002. Precisely on August 13, 2003 the Constitutional Court was established by having the four powers and the obligation. The main authority of the Constitutional Court is to conduct testing of the Act against the Constitution. The next authority, rule on the dispute of state institutions whose authorities are granted by the Constitution, to decide the dissolution of political parties and to decide election disputes and election results.
In addition, the Court shall pass a decision on the opinion of the House regarding the alleged violations by the President and / or Vice President according to the 1945 Constitution. (Nano Tresna Arfana / mh/
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 | 08:05 WIB 176