Petitioner in the case 44/PUU-X/2012, I Made Sudana, states have improved their petition as the suggestions at the hearing before the judge. Thus is expressed in the Trial of Repair Requests on Monday (11/6). On that occasion, the trial carried out by means of video conference from the University of Udayana, Bali. According to him, there are four articles that were tested. The whole article is tested it is the chapter that deals with judicial review provisions (PK), which states that PK may be filed only once. Those provisions are: Article 40 paragraph (1) and Article 66 paragraph (1) of Law on the Supreme Court, Article 268 paragraph (3) Book of the Law of Criminal Law (Criminal Code), and Article 24 paragraph (2) Law on Judicial Power. In addition, Sudana also revealed the reasons for his request. According to Article 40 paragraph (1) Supreme Court Act is not clear. "It’s too vague," he said.
"So this section often causes the decisions of the judges who are not under the law." Therefore, according to him, in the absence of legal remedy doors again after the PK, it would undermine law enforcement. "There is no way anything can be taken to uphold truth and justice," he said. In addition, he also asked the Court to refine the formulation of article that talks about the composition of the panel of judges. According to him, should the composition of judges consisting of MA, MK, and KY. "If only one office there is the possibility of irregularities," he said. Once the applicant submit their arguments, the Panel of Judges consisting of Judges of the Constitutional Fadlil Sumadi (Panel Chair), Judge Harjono and Muhammad Alim, revealed that for the next case will be discussed first in the Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court. The applicant was asked to wait for notification from the Court. (Dodi / mh/
Monday, June 11, 2012 | 18:18 WIB 169