Indonesia is currently experiencing problems of leadership, where leadership is currently doing a lot of low politics. "A lot of people who do politics only to think of himself, without thinking about the welfare of the people," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD as a keynote speaker in a seminar entitled The Reconstruction of National Leadership In Achieving Welfare Indonesia. held by Pasundan University, Bandung, West Java, Saturday (26/5).
Mahfud as is often said to him, politics should be for the welfare of the people and not have a high level political leadership and just think about tomorrow. Currently, more Mahfud, the symptoms arise that are not true in the general election of regional heads submitted to the Court, where more than 67 cases are less involved in corruption cases."And now being handled by the authorities," he explained in a seminar
The event was attended by officials Pasundan Foundation of Higher Education, the head of a Unpas Prodi, rector and dean of this Unpas, Mahfud added, mostly playing politics in the judiciary law, in addition to corruption. Currently, many courageous political buy and sell articles of laws. This is because the weakness of the nation’s leadership. "The problem now is because the leadership did not give birth or not display a strong leader, as the current leader of the nation’s many low-level political playing with it," explained Professor of Constitutional Law this UII.
Mahfud continued that politics is worse than the politics that made the first era. In ancient times, politics is aimed at protecting the welfare of the people and country. But, says Mahfud continue, at this moment just thinking about political power and money. In addition, Mahfud said, the constitution also states the purpose, among others, the welfare of the people, to provide justice in the legal and human rights, and protect the country from all threats, whether the threat from the outside or from within his own one."Religion and the power twins, in which a person may not be able to run well when its power has no religion," said the man who was born in Madura, East Java.
Mahfud before closing his speech, he once again reiterated to participants that Indonesia has a lot of politicians, but do not have the statesmanship to adhere to the spirit of Pancasila. "And the Pancasila is the basis of the state, as well as the state ideology Pancasila is inseparable from the state," lid Mahfud. (Flag / Miftakhul Huda/
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 | 19:51 WIB 281