Harjono: Pancasila, Prescription of National Unity

Pancasila is the unity of the nation’s prescription. It is delivered by the Constitutional Court when he received a visit from Harjono Switzerland Germany University Students on Monday (28/5), in the Hall of the Constitutional Court Building.

"Basically, our nation is a pluralistic nation. Composed of different tribes with different regional languages. So, what could make one? So, the recipe is Pancasila. If there is no Pancasila, it is impossible we can be one of the nation. All because of Pancasila consists of Belief in God Almighty, just and civilized humanity, the unity of Indonesia, Democracy Led by Wisdom and representatives and Social Justice For All People Indonesia. Pancasila is only by prescription, so a whole nation of pluralism. To glue the country, the Pancasila became the basis of which we form a nation, "he said in front of about 200 students in attendance.

On that occasion, Harjono also describes the implementation of democracy in Indonesia. Entering the era of reform, students and the public demanded four things, namely democracy, rule of law and human rights, prosecute cases of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) and ask for the area of decentralization.” Enforcing the new order of democracy as long as there is no democracy. Then the rule of law and human rights because of the many cases of missing persons and others. Prosecute cases of corruption and implement the demands of decentralization due to the new order did not enjoy the many areas of development, "he explained.

He also expressed about the 1945 changes. In the reform, there are changes to the 1945 Constitution to care democracy. "The inclusion of chapters on the general election marked the country has met the demands for democracy and implementing Pancasila," he said.

Indonesia adopts democracy as it appears in Article 1 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution which states "Sovereignty belongs to the people and carried out by the Constitution". In practice, democracy in Indonesia conducted by a representative system is governed by the Constitution. After the change, the Constitution is positioned as the supreme law of the land or as the supreme law of the state which means all the laws in this country should be subject to the provisions of the 1945 Constitution. This is because the 1945 is a mutual agreement, "he explained.

Harjono also expressed by placing the supreme law, must be the supreme law provisions that can not be violated by the sanctions. "If the 1945 Constitution be enforced using political means, then it would not be consistent, because only in favor of the ruling political power. The best mechanism for enforcing sanctions is through the courts. After the 1945 changes, there is a need for agencies to enforce the 1945 Constitution, by law, the Constitutional Court will be established, "he explained. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh/yazid.tr)

Monday, May 28, 2012 | 22:04 WIB 252