Andalas University Wins Debate Competition in Sumatra Region

Medan (22/05), the Constitutional Court again held the Constitutional Debate Competition all over Indonesia Higher Education. In this opportunity, the Constitutional Court in cooperation with the University of North Sumatra, Medan regional level debate competition held VI, followed by 16 universities in the region of Sumatra. Activity of this competition was officially opened by Secretary-General MK Janedjri M Gaffar, and was attended by Vice Rector Prof. IV USU. Dr. Natasya Ningrum Sirait, SH, M.Li, Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof USU. Dr. Runtung, SH, M. Hum, the jury of constitutional debate competition, and all participants to debate regional constitution VI. Constitutional debate competition was held for 3 days at USU Faculty of Law, from the day of the week (20/05) until Tuesday (22/05).

In his speech, Secretary General of the Court underscored the importance of competition events such as this, to hone the skills of students who will become future leaders in the future. "The issue of losing to win in a competition is not unusual. However, as expected from these activities will be born the nation’s future leaders,"
he said.

While USU Rector Prof IV. Dr. Natasya Ningrum Sirait, SH, M.Li, said that activities such as debating competition is very good and I am very proud to be working with USU Court. "It’s incredible to me, when there is a judiciary that can be grounded with the new rulings, and create a sense of belonging for students, and with activities such as competitions such as the constitution of this debate, we become increasingly understand the meaning of the constitution for lives of citizens, "he explained.

Constitutional Debate Final Round Competition

After a series of matches from the preliminary round, quarter final, semi final and a very tight, between 16 universities in the region of Sumatra, teams from the University of Andalas (
Unand) Padang and the host University of North Sumatra finally qualified for the final round of regional competitions VI constitution debate.

During the journey to the final round, both teams always look convincing in defeating his opponents. USU headed to the Final after the preliminary round qualify as winners of Group B, then in the quarter-finals to beat the University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra, as well as in the semi-final defeat of IAIN Ar-Raniry. While
Unand in the preliminary round as winners of Group A, then in the quarter-final defeat Batam International University, as well as in the semifinal defeat Sriwijaya University, after a heated debate.

Unand mission is to avenge the defeat of the regional debate competition last year where Unand as the host which is also dealing with USU in the final round. This time, USU as host of the Contra position, is very ambitious to beat Unand as Pro team, in the final round with the theme "Election Dispute Settlement by the Supreme Court".Through a very intense game for 30 minutes, the team from the University of Andalas back again to beat the host University of North Sumatra.

Closure of Competition

After the final round of competition the constitutional debate, the event continued with the closing activities of the Constitutional Debate Competition Regional Level VI.

Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatra, Prof. Dr. Runtung, SH, M. Hum as the organizers of the Constitutional Debate Competition Regional VI Sumatra as saying that losing and winning is not the main goal of this activity. Competition assessment is done by judges who have integrity and independence that have been tested. An example is the debate competition was held at the regional, it was the superior team, including team lost the competition. This suggests that the
jury assessment cannot be influenced by anyone. Thus whatever the outcome, whatever the decision of the jury, we all would accept his decision.

This activity was officially closed by the Secretary-General MK Janedjri M Gaffar.
Janedjri said in a speech concluding that the 1945 Constitution has granted authority to the Constitutional Court as Guardian of the Constitution and Democracy. "Guard the Constitution through the Constitutional Court makes its decision with the 1945 Constitution as a touchstone. On the other hand, we all need to understand that the Court in dealing with constitutional issues are still confronted with the factual condition of the laws that are still faced by the old rules of law which is the product of authoritarian. Therefore, with such activities is expected to give birth to future leaders who can give birth to ideas for the betterment of the nation’s laws, "he said. (Deddy / fy/

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 | 13:50 WIB 223