Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar Supervised PSU in Buton District Election

Implementation of the revote (PSU) Election District Kada Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, as ordered in the Decision of the Constitutional Court, which was held last Saturday (19/5).

On occasion, the Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar and their support staff of the Constitutional Court directly view and monitor the implementation process of re-voting in some polling stations in Buton District conducted randomly and startsfrom the polling stations on the border between the City of Buton Regency Baubau.

Based on such monitoring, the implementation process of re-voting is runningsafely, smoothly and without any constraints or protests and objections. Somepolling stations visited by Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar nearly 80% ofregistered voters in the DPT was present and participated option selecting candidates.

In some polling stations, Constitutional Justice Akil Mochtar had the opportunity to engage in dialogue and frequently asked questions by the Chairman KPPScandidate and witnesses about the obstacles encountered in the implementation process of re-Election ballot Buton Regency.

According to the Chairman of the Buton Regency recapitulation of vote re ButonDistrict Election expected to be completed in less than seven days and will be reported immediately to the Constitutional Court. (Hani Adhani / mh/

Monday, May 21, 2012 | 12:31 WIB 162