One of the importances of the Constitutional Court is to offset the legislative power. Where, the Court can make judicial review of laws that have been established by the House of Representatives and the Government.
Thus, at least it was revealed in a brief lecture delivered by the Constitutional Court Justice Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi to the group of faculty and students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Lambung Mangkurat (UNLAM) Banjarmasin who visited the Constitutional Court on Friday (11/5), in conference room 4th floor of the Constitutional Court building.
Why have to be balanced? According to Fadlil, there are several reasons. One is because the process of formation in the realm of the legislature by law to political decision-making mechanism based on the majority. In fact, a majority is not necessarily true. In fact, tend to be political interest is intended to benefit only a few groups.
"The mechanism is based on the political system of majority," he said. "It means, that his best interests he was most satisfied."
Moreover, continued Fadlil, the formation mechanism of the majority of law through the often forgotten value of justice. According to him, the law is like a knife. "The law can be for good, it could be to hurt other people," he said.
Hence the system is needed each other and offset control between branches of power. In order for a legal product that resulted from the political mechanism is fixed in accordance with the higher law and provide justice for the people. In this realm of the Constitutional Court took the role. Role of the Constitutional Court is to keep the law, particularly laws, remain in line with constitutional values, i.e., as stated in the Constitution of 1945.
After describing the material, Fadlil then provide the opportunity for participants to ask questions. However, questions rose by the participants mostly related to the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 in the case of Act on Marriage. They questioned the decision of the Court because the verdict was impressed Court has legalized adultery.
Fadlil also provide the answer. According Fadlil, before the ‘sue’ or to question the Court’s decision should be read and understood prior decision in a comprehensive manner. Therefore, the Court has never explicitly stated in the decision to legalize adultery. In essence, he said, the Court intended to protect the rights of children born."Who did it was he who should be responsible for the consequences of his actions that happened," said Fadlil.
After receiving the explanation from Fadlil, it appears some students are initially hesitant start to accept what the Court passed a decision with such injunction. In fact, Fadlil said he would be invited to socialize and discuss the decision to clear doubts as occurs during this time. (Dodi / mh/
Friday, May 11, 2012 | 18:55 WIB 220