Buleleng Election results to be disputed

The Constitutional Court (MK) held a trial of the case PHPU Buleleng 2012 - Case No.35/PHPU.DX/2012 - on Friday (11/5) morning in the Meeting Room of the Constitutional Court Panel. The applicant is Ariadi and Wayan Gede Aria candidates as regent and deputy regent number 1 in the General Election of 2012 Buleleng. Panel of Judges consisted of Judges of the Constitutional Court Achmad Sodiki (Panel Chair), Ahmad Harjono and Fadlil Sumadi.

In the trial, the Petitioners submit that the principal objection to the determination of the petition vote Election results of Buleleng 2012 by the Commission (Respondent) that affect the determination of which candidates can follow a second round of Election or election of candidates.

Petitioner also objected to the establishment candidate pair number 3 by the Respondent to escape following the 2012 General Election of Buleleng. The applicant argued, the administration candidate pair number 3 it is not true, even the allegedly false or forged concerning the couple on behalf of the Putu Agus Suradnyana (PAS).

"Cards on behalf of the PAS head of the family following his ID card and residence address not active in Buleleng district, so that the right to vote and be elected in question do not exist in Buleleng district," said the Applicant.

In addition, the applicants further, as the PAS candidate Buleleng Regent openly practice polygamy which, according to the Act are not legally valid. Petitioner reasons, PAS polygamy without the approval letter from his first wife, Gusti Ayu Sujati Aries (PNS) through the judicial process.

The applicant has also accused PAS do lies the public because it does not include the name of his second wife in a form that is deposited into the Commission as a condition of the administration, so that criminal acts alleged to have occurred in accordance with Article 277, 278 and 263 of the Criminal Code.

Based on Petitioner’s argument, Petitioner assumed Respondent has made political conspiracy and manipulation of data to pass the PAS as candidates of Buleleng election through administrative requirements that conflict with laws and regulations.

Responding to the arguments presented to the Petitioner, the Chairman advised the Panel Achmad Sodiki applicant to correct systematic petition, in order to more systematically arrange. "You have to fix the systematic application applicant. Matter of systematic, you can see an example in the Clerk’s Court," said Sodiki.

In addition, Sodiki highlights the problem of evidence attached to be more equipped Applicant, including improving the list of evidence and other related matters. (Nano Tresna Arfana / mh/Yazid.tr)

Friday, May 11, 2012 | 18:36 WIB 115