Petitioner’s Expert: Regional Election of Deiyai District Defective in Law

Regional Head General Election of Deiyai District 2012, the implementation is flawed because it violates the provisions of the legislation in force. Therefore, it can be done in accordance with instructions re-election decision of the Constitutional Court judges Majesty, so as not to injure nomocracy principles (rule of law) and the democratic principles of popular sovereignty and the constitutional rights of citizens to choose who has expressly guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution.

Similarly, statements made by Agus Surono as presented by the expert partner-Yohanis Yohanis Pigome Jhon Dogopial in the trial in the Constitutional Court (MK), Thursday (05/10/2012) afternoon. The trial for the third times the case 29/PHPU.DX/2012, 30/PHPU.DX/2012, 31/PHPU.DX/2012, 32/PHPU.DX/2012, and 33/PHPU.DX/2012, scheduled to hear expert testimony and witnesses.

Panel on Constitutional Justice M. before Akil Mochtar (Panel Chair), Alim Muhammad and Hamdan Zoleva, Agus Surono said Decree (SK) Deiyai KPU Number 02 Year 2012 dated March 5, 2012 regarding the Stipulation of Candidate Regent and Vice Regent Deiyai, not based on the State Administrative Tribunal (Administrative Court) Jayapura, so it does not have the force of law. General Elections Commission (KPU) as Deiyai District administrative officials are law enforcement as well as performing all injunction. "He should consistently implement that decision," said Agus.

Action KPU Decree No. 02 issued Deiyai in 2012 it was an act outside the authority (ultra vires). So that any form of legal action did not have legal binding. "Therefore null and void," he continued.

Panel of Constitutional Justices to hear further witnesses presented by couple Amos Edoway-Daud Pekei named Reinhard Samah in his statement stated that the Youth Party of Indonesia provides support to Amos Edoway-Daud Pekei. "The support of the Indonesian Youth Party is the Applicant," said Reinhard.

Then, the witness spouse Januarius L. Dou-Doo Linus Edoway named Yohan, a witness at the district level Kapiraya calculation, stating his wife came to the KPU chairman Deiyai Kapiraya logistics with helicopters carrying the day before the vote. He asked people to vote for the pair number 2000 6. But people give half of it. "He asked for 2000 but the people there love their 1,000 more," said Yohan. (Rosihin Nur Ana / mh/

Thursday, May 10, 2012 | 20:18 WIB 118