General Elections Commission (KPU) declared Deiyai District has implemented re-verification on which to base the issuance of the KPU Decree Number 02 Year 2012 Deiyai dated March 5, 2012 regarding the Stipulation of Candidate Regent and Vice Regent Deiyai. Re-verification carried out for three days after the decision of the administrative court of Jayapura. Through the decree, the Commission set 9 Deiyai candidates Deiyai regent and vice regent. "The point is that the re-verification has been made by the Respondent that underlies the issuance of Decree No. 02."
Similarly, the Commission answers delivered Deiyai lawyer, Sulaiha Sumarto, in proceedings in the Constitutional Court (MK), Tuesday (08/05/2012) afternoon.Second trial for the case 29/PHPU.DX/2012, 30/PHPU.DX/2012, 31/PHPU.DX/2012, 32/PHPU.DX/2012, and listen to the answers 33/PHPU.DX/2012 KPU is scheduled Deiyai (Respondent), Related Parties and description of evidence.
Factual and administrative verification, further Sulaiha Sumarto, the authority of the Commission Deiyai carried out pursuant to existing regulations, particularly the technical guidance the Commission. KPU Deiyai next presents the results of the verification in writing to the pair of candidates, including the Applicant.
Meanwhile, KPU Deiyai answer to the petition which is going to candidates, KPU Deiyai denied and rejected all the arguments the petition of the Petitioner. Deiyai Commission considered the Petitioners’ arguments are mere assumptions without any clarity as to who, when, where and how the actions associated with the distribution of systematic engineering Election Deiyai administration.
Deiyai Commission also denied the Petitioner’s argument that the Commission expressly Deiyai not perform their duties independently and systematically for the benefit of a particular candidate. "Respondent (Deiyai KPU) to act objectively in accordance with existing regulations," said Sulaiha.
KPU Decree Number 08 Year 2011 Deiyai Determination of Candidates for Regent and Vice Regent of the Indicated Passed and Failed the 3rd of November 2011, is the result of administrative and factual verification conducted Deiyai Commission, where there are six pairs of candidates who qualify as a candidate and has met minimum requirements and party support in accordance with the applicable individual.
Accordingly, the Commission appealed to the Court Deiyai decision, accept and grant the Respondent’s answer and reject the petition in its entirety. Next, ask the Court stated Deiyai KPU Decree Number 12 Year 2012 regarding Stipulation Recapitulation of Vote Count Results and Determination couple Entering the Second Round General Election of Regional Head and Deputy Head of District Deiyai In 2012, the 17th of April, valid and binding. "Or if another opinion of the Constitutional Court, please ruling justly as possible (ex aequo et bono)," pleaded Sulaiha.
For information, dispute the results of elections of regional heads (elections) Deiyai District, Papua Province was filed filed a pair of candidates and prospective candidates regent / deputy regent Deiyai the period 2012-2017. They are pair-candidate David Amos Edoway Pekei (29/PHPU.DX/2012 case), a pair of candidates Januarius Linus L.Dou-Doo (30/PHPU.DX/2012 case), candidate Manfred Clement Ukago-Mote (case 31/PHPU.DX/2012), pair-Pigome Yohanis candidate John Yohanis Dogopial (32/PHPU.DX/2012 case), pair-candidate Marthen Ukago Amision Mote, Manase Pigai Kotouki-Athen, and Yan-Yakonias Giyai (33/PHPU.DX/2012 case). (Rosihin Nur Ana / mh/
Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 21:06 WIB 127