Cibinong (05/03/2012)
Journal of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia to regain accreditation after LIPI in 2011 received accreditation C. In accrediting the latest scientific journals, the predicate A, B, and C has been converted into a scientific journal of accreditation and accredited scientific journals.
It was attended by Head of Research and Development Center of Noor Sidharta as well as some other editor of the Journal Constitution. At the same time, it made the submission and the Decree of the Head of LIPI accreditation certificate to the manager of a scientific journal. Accreditation certificate is submitted by the Head of LIPI Lukman Hakim in Pusbindiklat LIPI researcher, Cibinong. Accreditation is valid for three years (April 2012-April 2015).
Than seventy (70) submitted to a scientific journal Journal Appraisal Committee (P2MI) LIPI only forty-eight (48) are accredited. Journal of the Constitution is one of 48 accredited science journals. In a decision of the Head of LIPI also mentioned twenty-two (22) journals that are not accredited. For those journals can apply for accreditation with the wait of 2 (two) or 4 (four) most recent issue.
"Congratulations to accredited scientific journal, to keep the spirit that is not accredited and can file a return with certain requirements, but to an accredited journals should not be complacent, but should improve as the quality of evaluations that have been delivered" explains Head of LIPI Lukman Hakim in his speech. After the photo session along with the head of LIPI, the handover ceremony ended with a warm-hearted and has lunch together.
To improve the quality of accredited scientific journal, (P2MI) LIPI provide an atmosphere and evaluative records that must be followed up by the manager of the journal. As stated in the guidelines for accreditation of the latest scientific journals LIPI (No.04/E/2011), there are 8 (eight) elements include assessment of substance, editors and partners bestari (reviewer), writing style, institutional publishers, appearance, additional services and naming.
Accreditation made to pay tribute to the quality of Scientific Writing (KTI) in a scientific journal in Indonesia and stimulate scientists to improve and maintain the quality of the resulting EI. In addition, the accreditation can also be a reference assessment of EI in determining credit score functional research, academic and other related functional positions. [MMA / AR/]
Monday, May 07, 2012 | 12:36 WIB 203