The trial continued the General Election District Singkil held back the Constitutional Court (MK) on Wednesday (2/5). The hearing request with the agenda 26/PHPU.DX/2012 number to hear the answer of the Respondent and the Related Party and the proof is chaired by the Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Achmad Sodiki. Petition was filed by Candidate Pair Number 4 Sazali and Saiful Umar and Candidate Pair Number 7 Syafril Harahap and Yulihardin.
In response, the Respondent represented attorneys, Adi Mansyar revealed the presence of repeat requests made by the Applicant (ne bis in idem). To that end, Adi, the petition does not qualify as a dispute. "The reason the request is only repetition (ne bis in idem) identical to the petition 11/PHPU.DX/2012 filed on April 2, 2012. It was Identical with the substance and the application of this 26/PHPU.DX/2012. With identical, sufficient for the Court stated nebis in idem," he said.
The purpose thereof, the Respondent denied the proposition expressed by the applicant. According to Adi, the Respondent has conducted all phases of the Election District Singkil correctly. Respondent has conducted the duties and responsibilities in accordance with statutory regulations. "And do not properly declare the argument that Respondent’s petition not free and fair because of the ten candidates who qualify get the same treatment. Implementation of the General Election was in accordance with the principles of organizing elections in accordance with statutory regulations. Determination of the vote was in accordance with existing mechanisms without influence from anybody because elections have been conducted in a fair and honest election since from the TPS to obtain legal certainty and legitimate. Petitioners’ argument is baseless and should be disregarded because the Respondent was never in favor of one candidate, "he explained.
In the meantime, Related Party petition expressing arguments about legal cases experienced three of the Related Party. According to the attorney of the Related Parties, the applicant hide some of the facts of the case law of the Related Party. "The applicant uses KPU Regulation No. 13, we did not meet because of the view that regulation is not applied appropriately. There is a description or facts that are important, but not quoted or in other words there is hidden by the applicant. So, do not fit with interpretation of Regulation Commission. Actually, the penalty suffered by Mr. Safriadi no probation so as if Mr. Safriadi serving sentences in correctional institutions.
In the main petition, the Petitioners object to the vote count recapitulation Aceh Regency KIP Singkil Respondent as announced on April 14, 2012. According to the applicant, represented by its legal counsel, Ikhwaluddin Simatupang, voting results Candidate Pair Number 1 is the result of the actions of the Respondent is holding the election is not fair and not fair, and full of fraudulent practices that are massive, structured, and planned."Respondent, KIP Aceh Singkil District, also has not guided by the principle of election of an independent, honest and fair. This is because the Respondent includes Candidate Regent and Vice Regent Singkil Number one is ever convicted by the threat of five years or more, become party to the District Election Singkil, "he said. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh/
Thursday, May 03, 2012 | 08:19 WIB 130