Eight candidates’ regent and deputy regent of West Aceh, Aceh province, of the thirteen candidates for the Election filed objections to the minutes of the General Election vote recapitulation of the Independent Election Commission (KIP) of West Aceh District 2012 in the Constitutional Court on Thursday (3/5). According to the Petitioners, the determination of the recapitulation of these calculations is not legally valid.
"Violations of the implementation phase began in the General Election, which is intentionally done by the Respondent to the early stages of voters still do not update data in accordance with the facts that occurred in the field," said attorney of the applicant Idris Kurniawan, accompanied by other lawyers. Updating data, according to him is the difference in name, where dates of birth, and address with the voter identification number of the population.
Eight Petitioners no. 28/PHPU.DX/2012 are Adami and Bustanuddin (No. 13), Fuadri and Bustami (No. 3), Teuku Zainal and Said Nadir (No. 9), Teuku Syahluna Polem and Tgk. Harmen Nuriqmar (No. 12), M. Ali Alfata and Muhammad Amien (No. 4), Rasyidin Hasyim and Sofyan Rasyid (No. Urut 5), Saminan and Babussalam Umar (No. 2), Said Rasyidin Husein and Nurdin S (No. Urut 1).
Furthermore the Respondent in this case is the West Aceh Regency KIP 2012, and the Related Parties is a couple No. Sort 11, Ramli and Moharriadi, and partner no. 8, Alaidin Shah and Rachmat Fitri.
Regarding the case of Permanent Voters List (DPT), continued Idris, many names of voters who had died, but is still enrolled in the DPT. "So that raises the potential for inflation of the ballots," he said. Moreover, according to the Petitioners, the Respondent also tried to abuse the DPT in nearly all the polling district. Johan hero, and one of the TPS has been reported. "Of the 45 voters to 90 voters," he explained.
The petitioners also alleged that the Respondent has intentionally acted unfairly to the voters who have registered, but was not given and proof of registration as voters. "So that Respondent’s actions violated the provisions of Article 17 and 23 of Regulation No. 6 of 2005 on the selection, approval, appointment and dismissal of the head and deputy head of the region," explained the Petitioners.
Related Parties no. 11 as the incumbent, according to the Petitioners, in this case was deliberately involving Civil Servants (PNS) a PPK (District Selection Committee) and PPS (Voting Committee). What’s more, PPK and PPS do not mention the full name but a nickname. "Many witnesses who know the candidate that PPS is an active civil servant," he added.
Furthermore, according to the Petitioners, civil servants involved into the PPS intentionally destroy the ballots and directing the applicant to KPPS (Chairman of the Voting Committee) to help couples incumbent.
Make a total of violations that occurred in the implementation of the General Election of West Aceh, said the petition, have received serious attention from the community district of West Aceh to conduct a demonstration to demand that the Election results be re-re-counting of votes.
More importantly, according to the Petitioners, the violations that it meets the elements of breach of structured, systematic and massive. Because in petitum, the Petitioners asked for voting to be done again, which has been declared defective, and open, and examine the ballots punched and / or any component is missing papers declared invalid or corrupted. (Shohibul Umam / mh/Yazid.tr)
Thursday, May 03, 2012 | 23:15 WIB 191