Constitutional Justice Relationship with Indonesian community in Turkey

Ankara, Turkey (Tuesday, 24/10/2012)

Vice Chairman of the Constitutional Court Constitutional Justice Achmad Sodiki and Maria Farida Indrati stay in touch with the people at Wisma Duta Indonesia, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Embassy) Turkey in Ankara on Tuesday (24/4). This activity is carried out on the sidelines of the Turkish Constitutional Court’s invitation in the event of an international symposium with the theme of "Movement of Rights and Freedom in 21st Century and The Role of the Constitutional Court," held in Turkey 25 to 28 April 2012.

Present at the occasion, a diplomat who served in Indonesia Embassy in Ankara as well as students who are members of the Indonesian Students Association (PPI) in Turkey. Welcome ambassadors represented by Garnijanto Bambang Wahjudi in charge of Political Function. Bambang welcomed the gathering and Vice Chairman of the Constitutional Court as well as greetings from the Ambassador Mrs. Nahari Agustini who could not attend because he was following the activities in Istanbul. “Hopefully this relationship will further develop understanding of the constitution to the people of Indonesia in Ankara, especially to Indonesian students studying in Turkey" said Bambang.

Deputy Chief Justice Ahmad Sodiki very grateful to the Embassy in Ankara on his speech and gathering that was held amid the bustle and other tasks. Achmad Sodiki the occasion expressed about the decision of the Marriage Law (No.46/PUU-VIII/2010) that could reap the controversy in Indonesia. Sodiki asserts that the Constitutional Court ruling is "judge made law" in accordance with the obligation to deliver the verdict that the judge fairly as possible by digging, follow, and understand the legal values and sense of justice that live in the community.

Court decision is a manifestation of the effort to actualize the Almighty deity and a just and civilized humanity and is a real effort to the process of dehumanization, rather an attempt to humanize human beings. "The duty of judges to extend justice (boni est judicis ampliare justitiam)”, said Sodiki.

Exposure of the decision followed by the Marriage Law Constitutional Justice Maria Farida Indrati, potential losses due to marriages conducted in accordance with Law no 1/1974 is a risk for men and women who perform marriages, but not the risk to be borne by the children born in marriage them.

"The fulfillment of the rights of children born of a marriage, regardless of whether or not the marriage is valid under state law, remain the obligation of both the biological parents or biological parents" Maria said while closing his explanation.

In a question and answer session, the critical question posed Indonesian students who are studying master in several Turkish universities. Akmal, Ankara University students mentioned several Court decisions related to the Marriage Law, Oil and Gas Law, and Election. "What about the role of the Constitutional Court in the constitutional protection as in the case of Machica decision, the issue of fuel price increases and try and process the results of Election" said student majoring in public administration. Other questions raised by Baiquni, METU University students who questioned the impact the decision of the Constitutional Court ruling related to the Islamic law of the Marriage Law.

Constitutional relationship ended with the surrender of souvenirs from the Embassy and the MOJ followed by lunch. (M Mahrus Ali/

Thursday, April 26, 2012 | 16:02 WIB 211