Related Party of Simeulue District: No Serious Violation in Election

"There are no outstanding violations of the implementation of the Election of Simeulue district in 2012, "said the attorney representing the Related Party Riswan N. S. and Hasrul Edyar, in the second trial the results of the election dispute case head of Simeulue district, Aceh Province in 2012, the Constitutional Court on Wednesday (25/4).  

In addition, according to the Related Parties, the applicant also has no legal standing (the legal position), and does not qualify the petition in this court. Moreover, the Petitioner in his petition the object and one object blur, and not formally qualified. "Formal application is not eligible," said the attorney of the Related Party. "Thus, the Related Parties do not need to respond to the main petition."

Numbered in the trial of this case 18/PHPU.DX/2012, the applicant is Aliasnudin and Rahmat, while the Respondent is the Independent Election Commission (KIP) Simeulue District, Aceh Province, each party in the trial have previously been communicated in front of the assembly constitutional justice.

After that, the Court also heard from the applicant upon request repairs. In the correction, the Petitioner was correct regarding the basics of applying, the position of legal standing, the grace period, the purpose thereof, and clarifies who is the petitioner."Thus, with the improvements to the Petitioner, Respondent and the Related Parties will be given the opportunity to respond to applicant improvement," said Akil Mohctar, as leader of the hearing, accompanied by Muhammad Alim and Hamdan Zoelva, respectively as members.

On occasion, the Constitutional Assembly also endorsed the evidence derived from the Petitioner, Respondent and the Related Parties. Applicant filed with the details of around 14 proofs, the Respondent filed 14 evidence, and the Related Parties filed three proofs. Then in that case, the applicant requested that one of the proofs to be kept confidential. All parties are treated the same, and have the same opportunity," said Akil responded to the request of the applicant.

At the end of the trial, Akil said that the Court will provide an opportunity for all parties to state conclusion of this proceeding no later than tomorrow, Thursday (26/4), at 16.00 pm, in the Court Clerk. "So no longer opened the hearing, all parties must view the evidence in the court clerk," he explained. "Furthermore, the Parties are expected to wait for a call from the Court for hearing the pronunciation of the verdict, no later than May 8, 2012," said Akil before closing the trial. (Shohibul Umam / mh/

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 | 19:03 WIB 143