Government experts: English as Introduction Eliminate Nothing to Self Nation


Use of English as a language of instruction in order to pilot international school (RSBI) in a philosophical science education there would be potentially eliminating the national identity. Indonesian language as the state continues to be the language of education. English and other foreign languages are only used as a universal scientific communication in the context of social communication and interaction between nations. Soekarno was told, "Internationalism can not flourish if the earth is not rooted in nationalism. Nationalism can not flourish if you do not live in the park an international juice. "

The statement was delivered by prof. Dr. Udin S. Winataputra when acting as a government in a trial in the Constitutional Court, Tuesday (24/04/2012) afternoon. Sixth session of the test material to the case 5/PUU-X/2012 Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System (Education Law), filed by Andi Akbar Fitriyadi, Nadya Masykuria, Milang Tauhida, Jumono, Lodewijk F. Paat, and Febri Hendri Wisudo Bambang Arif Antoni. The Applicant is comprised of parents, teachers, educational activists and activists ICW, feel aggrieved over their constitutional rights provisions of Article 50 paragraph (3) Education Law. According to them, Article 50 paragraph (3) Education Law which states: "The government and / or local governments hold at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit," contrary to the Preamble, Article 28C paragraph ( 1), Article 28E paragraph (1), Article 28I paragraph (2), Article 31 paragraph (1), Article 31 paragraph (2), Article 31 paragraph (3) and Article 36 of the 1945 Constitution.

The next government expert, Prof. Johannes stated in his presentation, the National Education Standards (SNP) in the provisions of Article 35 paragraph (1) Education Law is in effect the same for both units at national and international education. Likewise, the increased national standards in a planned and regular basis are the same for national schools and international schools. Intelligence of the nation and the increase in unit learners at national and international education is the same as everything must meet the SNP. "So it’s not true to say that the national level, the level of intelligence is then lowers than the international standard. All are the same minimum standards, "said Johannes.


Negative Impact

Abdul Chaer in his capacity as an applicant, stated the use of English in RSBI impact for language development. As for the English language as a subject, he says, the English language must be mastered by their students better. The reason is not because of prestige, but because the needs of science that uses English-language. "That should be pursued is not a foreign language, but their knowledge. Why so? Japan, Korea, China are the countries that now have become a giant. They developed not because of a foreign language, but because they mastered the science, "he explained.

According to Abdul Chaer, use of English as a language of instruction in RSBI, violates the 1945 Constitution. "The use of English as the language of instruction in RSBI also has a negative impact on the government’s efforts to foster Indonesian," he said.

Applicants other experts, Darmaningtyas, in his presentation at the hearing stated, the purpose RSBI or SBI which only purpose is to improve competitiveness, one of which is evidenced by the gold medal, silver, bronze, and other forms of international awards. "It really reduces the meaning of the state constitution that mandates of intellectualizing nation because the task is much higher than simply collecting trophies or medals. If it just to get a medal, it is not necessary to establish RSBI or SBI, "explained Darmaningtyas.

According to him, legal policy governing the assignment of rights for the SBI to hire foreign workers as an educator as much as 30% of the total number of educators is contradictory to Article 28D Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution. For teachers or SBI RSBI clear of foreign nationals will be paid 10 times more than teachers of Indonesian citizens. Thus, it is clear that RSBI and / or contrary to the SBI Act of 1945." said Darmaningtyas. (Rosihin Nur Ana / mh/


Tuesday, April 24, 2012 | 18:22 WIB 240