Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK), Moh. Mahfud MD said that in politics the preachers who should do the high politics in which direction the conversation about justice. "Political whatever, they’ll agree," said Mahfud while receiving tens of preachers at his residence Indonesia Jl. Widya Chandra Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/4).
On that occasion, former Minister of Women attended Tuti Alawiyah, Deputy Minister of Religious Nazaruddin Umar, Hidayat Nur Wahid, and KH. Nur Muhammad Iskandar (initiator of the meeting). Other preachers were including KH. Abdullah Gimnastiar (A’a Gym), Ustaz Yusuf Mansur, Habib Al-Ethiopia, Ustad Ahmad Ikhsan (Ustad Cepot), as well as preachers, preachers at the national level is also Chairman of the Constitutional Court’s crowded house.
Furthermore, Mahfud said the preachers who have a variety of characters and exciting models in its mission to broadcast his message needs to put together. "In order to forward it can be beneficial to the community. Therefore, this meeting is held, "said Mahfud began his speech as the host.
Then, Mahfud also appealed, to the front of the preacher not to enter into practical politics shutter. Because of this political nobody likes and who does not like. "So the public are well," he message. "Then surely we can come together very well," he added.
Such case, said Mahfud, Indonesia needs enlightenment in earnest, to preserve and maintain Indonesianism in this country. Indonesia is threatened due egoism."People have their own wants and corruption as they please. And it should be made aware, "said former Defense Secretary Gus Dur’s era.
All that can be done effectively by the officials, continued Mahfud, if we do not have the political alignments. "So we are in a neutral position. Although after that, we have his own political choices, "he added.
In addition to speaking the fate of Indonesia, Mahfud also spoke about Islam and Indonesia. He said the community really wanted to make Islam to be Indonesia, not make Indonesia to be Islam. And it’s two different things.
While such a case similar to Islamiyah brotherhood cannot be said with the Muslim brotherhood between people, but Bainal Muslim brotherhood. But brotherhood is the brotherhood Islamiyah Interfaith Islam that has the character of Islam, has unity, and has a tolerance. "And it’s called Islamiyah," he said.
The other is the originator of Nazarudin Umar. In his speech he said that friends preachers do not think the country will co-missionary friends in the media. "All there is absolutely no relation to the country," he said.
Another thing, the activity is held, Nazarudin Umar continued to drive and think about her concerns about the fate of preachers. According to him, why preachers on television only given pay Rp1 million, but dangdut singer could get paid Rp. 50 million?
"Therefore, I tried to initiate meetings directly to its owner (the owner) television stations to guard the conscience of our friends," said the Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs.
After that, the preachers were given the opportunity to give voice to the liver or exchange ideas about the conditions experienced by them. With enthusiasm they one by one get their turn to leave a comment. One of them was Habib Al-Habsyi. He proposed to the government to make health insurance (Askes) for the missionary in Indonesia. (Shohibul Umam / mh/
Thursday, April 19, 2012 | 19:39 WIB 217