Chief Justice Opened Talk between Court-Association of Catholic Universities

Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK), Moh. Mahfud MD officially opened Talk between Court and in cooperation with the Association of Catholic Universities (APTIK), Friday (24/2), in Lumire Hotel, Jakarta. The event was held for three days, from Friday-Sunday (24-26/2), and will be filled by a number of speakers of the constitutional judges.

Opening ceremony with the theme "Education Pancasila, the Constitution, and the Law of the Constitutional Court of Minorities Education Higher Education and Catholic Schools in Indonesia" was attended also by the Chairman APTIK R.Djokopranoto, and the Secretary-General MK Janedjri M. Gaffar, and followed an approximately 200 participants from several regions in Indonesia.

Before the opening, Mahfud MD said in his speech hoped this activity could benefit the interests of the nation, and also beneficial to the community unite Indonesia. In the end of this meeting, he also expects the community; especially the participants can develop the knowledge gained from this activity. "Take example as a cell, where the cells can divide and spread themselves to a number of places. So many benefits of this meeting, "said Mahfud.

In addition, Mahfud also explained the benefits of Pancasila education. But earlier, he often heard the question, whether the Pancasila still as a tool to unite and state together. According to him, the real Indonesia "giddy" in the bond of unity. Now it would more and more intolerant of others. Sometimes there were arbitrary actions that not be able to be resolved properly by the official authorities. "Therefore, a good settlement was tolerant of differences, and accepted any such differences as something that is also given by God. So the noise would not be the distinction, "Mahfud messaged.


Meaning of Pancasila

Pancasila we have agreed with the states in the first precepts, Belief in God Almighty. That is, according to Mahfud, any person their human rights protected to do their teachings. "So faith is not to be contested. The world is peaceful, because no one ever taught religion destructive to the lives of others, "he explained.

After talking to the divine, Mahfud continued Pancasila also spoke of humanity. It just and civilized humanity. That is, Pancasila did not talk Indonesia at first, but humanity. "In this case, the Indonesian nation must respect fellow human beings first, in the sense not to get humans to colonize other humans," he explained.

With this foundation, Mahfud added, following the precepts generating independence in which an unity of Indonesia. That is, people should not undermine the livelihood of the world. Moreover, the order of life in the world can not eliminate the Indonesian characteristics. "So there is harmony between man and Indonesia with Man in the World," he explained.

Then, said Mahfud, emerging democracy. That is, the people of Indonesia who already have a feature as the unity of a nation must operate through a democracy. “However, Indonesia’s democracy should not follow Western democracies there is no principle of his divinity. Indonesia contained populist democracy in the deliberations. Democracy is not a power struggle, but the wisdom of wisdom, "said Mahfud.

And finally, it come the precepts of the fifth. According to Mahfud a sound that is actually not a complete social justice for all people of Indonesia, but there is a verb that says "bring" social justice for all Indonesian people. "It is not distributive justice, nor cumulative justice in theory, but we choose a social justice or social justice. Where justice should be shared by the people of Indonesia, "said Chairman of the Constitutional Court.

In addition to speaking the meaning of the Pancasila, Mahfud also explains the importance of Pancasila education. According to him, why Pancasila education to be important today, because the people of Indonesia, in addition to more problematic union, namely law enforcement matters of social justice are also common problems. In this case, Mahfud example, in the world economy is more problematic, but the nation’s economy could grow rapidly in Indonesia 6.5%.

"But the question is, are there social justice in it. Because we feel small community hard earn money. Below the poverty line, still remain. Economic growth at the macro level, and only happens in a game of shares, rather than moving on the real sector, "said Professor of Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta.

In the same occasion, Djokopranoto said that the Constitutional Court is the last hope of the Catholic community to gain rights in accordance with the Constitution of Indonesia. Therefore, we feel happy; know more procedural law of the Constitutional Court.

Furthermore, according to him, the themes raised in this event are also interesting. When speaking of education, he argues, has meaning in the process of mentoring the young man became an adult human, the human self is responsible. "So is the Pancasila was relevant and still needed by our life in society," he said. (Shohibul Umam / mh/

Thursday, March 01, 2012 | 09:56 WIB 155