Talk with APTIK Closed

Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court in cooperation with the Association of Catholic Universities (APTIK), has organized a Talk show for three days, Friday-Sunday (24-26/2). The event was officially closed by the Chairman of APTIK R. Djokopranoto, At 11.30 pm (26/2), in Lumire Hotel, Jakarta.

The theme of the event is "Education Pancasila, the Constitution, the Constitutional Court and the Law on Higher Education of Minorities and Catholic schools in Indonesia." While the closing ceremony was attended also Acting. Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the Court Budi Achmad Djohari, and also attended by approximately 200-person college educators and Catholic schools from a number of regions in Indonesia.

Previously, Budi said in his speech that the word fair in the Preamble to the 1945 so-called five times. "This is in addition to showing the 1945 animated by the spirit of justice, more than the existence of a mandate for an equitable state law," he said.

To enforce the law with justice, Budi went on, respect for Human Rights (HAM) is a necessity that cannot be negotiable. Respect for human rights means upholding the dignity of human dignity above all else. "In this case, the principle of equality and solidarity, mutual love, respect, and not hurt each other, and put the meaning of life together in the bonds of the nation in peace and justice, must be recognized to practice in every aspect of life," Budi message.

In addition, Budi also explained that in addition to functioning of the judiciary, the Constitutional Court as the guardian of constitutional institutions, as well as assign roles and responsibilities, as well as an understanding of the public about the particulars of Pancasila and the Constitution, and Procedural Law of the Court. "Therefore, the Court held in this opportunity Pancasila education, the Constitution, and the Law of the Constitutional Court," he said.

According to Budi, the constitutional duty, the Court has a different procedural law and the relatively new compared to the existing procedural law in general court."Therefore, the Constitutional Court continues to seek recognition and understanding of the whole society on the Constitutional Court and the Law of the Constitutional Court, as the revitalization effort and internalization, the implementation of Pancasila and 1945 Constitution," he said.

On occasion, Djokopranoto also said that the participants already have material on the existing procedural law in the Supreme Konsttiusi. The participants also refreshed the meaning contained in the Pancasila. "So to say, we love back Pancasila," he said, citing a person.

From here, go Djokopranoto, participants were more aware and confident when the public’s constitutional rights violated by law. Moreover, after gaining knowledge in these events, people, especially the paserta can file a judicial review to the Constitutional Court. "Even one of the participants had planned to ask two things: the chapter on the minimum threshold for the nomination district, and the freezing of the political parties," he said.

Furthermore, Djokopranoto said, for those who serve in the field of education, understanding the Pancasila and 1945 Constitution, is not only useful for citizens of Indonesia, but also for educators. "Because of Pancasila is one important thing in the underlying education in Indonesia," he explained. (Shohibul Umam / mh/

Monday, February 27, 2012 | 15:53 WIB 256