Court as a constitutional judiciary affected the development of science in Indonesia, especially the science of law. Therefore, these developments should be followed by an increased understanding of the academics, especially students on a variety of constitutional issues and issues of constitutionality of legal norms in Indonesia.
Based on the thought, the Court held a meeting in order to realize the preparation for these activities with a number of legal experts such as Prof. Dr Saldi Isra (Andalas University), Prof. Dr Yuliandri (Andalas University), Prof. Dr Arif Hidayat (Diponegoro University), Prof. Dr Guntur Hamzah (Hasanuddin University), Dr. I Dewa Gede Palguna (Udayana University), Winarno Yudho, SH (UI), Dr. Zainal Arifin Husein (UGM), and some other legal experts held at Pusako Hotel, Bukittinggi, West Sumatra (25/02).
Preparatory meeting chaired by the Secretary-General of the Court Janedjri M Gaffar discussed the various activities of the Constitutional Court to be held during 2012. These activities include the Constitutional Debate Competition between Universities in Indonesia, the Constitutional Moot Court Competition University level throughout Indonesia, and the Constitution of 2012 Award for Civic Education Teachers in Indonesia.
It was described by Janedjri M Gaffar that the activities to be implemented in addition to the Constitutional Court is an annual event which has been running for four years, hopefully always growing every year so that people, especially academics, increasingly understand the developmental state administration in Indonesia. "We want the students to think critically and not just dropped, but instead of thinking how students can get out of ideas that can provide the solution of problems of the nation," said Secretary General of the Court.
The meeting also discussed the mechanism of activity, namely the selection process will be divided into regional level of each region, after it had determined the finalists from each regional will advance to the national level. Determined also in the meeting, several topics in the activities of which are issues concerning the nation's problems are expected to obtain a positive solution for scholars.
Preparatory meeting at the end of the delivery of Pancasila and the Constitution of the activities realized by the Prof said. Saldi Isra, professor of constitutional law Andalas University of Padang which is also the Chairman of the Constitutional Debate Competition Jury, that the Court has given its own color for scholars, especially students in law school. (Ddy / mh/
Monday, February 27, 2012 | 17:54 WIB 166