SOP Training to Avoid Irregularities

Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court (MK) again held Preparation Methods and Techniques Training Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) located in Pusdiklat Building  of Court in Bekasi. The training was conducted over two days (18 - 19/2), followed by 40 employees.

On that occasion, the Chief Court Officer Training SOP Sigit Purnomo said this is a continuation of the SOP training, held on February 4 to 5 then. Sigit also present the results of these training activities can be used as a reference. "The SOP training is expected to be a reference in the manufacture of SOP in each work unit within the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat General of the Court. It is hoped this training will be obtained through the uniformity of the agreed SOP format," said Sigit.

SOP training is held in order to improve the quality of the preparation of SOPs for running a system of effective and efficient bureaucracy. Moreover, state institutions like the Constitutional Court whose job is to serve the people seeking justice in the best way. The formulation of SOP can also prevent various forms of aberration. Not only have that, the preparation of standard operating procedures that will impact on boththe easy and fast serviced to the community.

In the In House Training Methods and Techniques SOP-Based Key Performance Indicator (KPI), the informant was acting as Director of Business Consulting Eko Supriyanto therapy. Some of the material covered on the SOP, Organizing, Job Analysis, and others. In his explanation, Eko reveals a good SOP is a SOPintegrated with desk jobs and job analysis. "Unable to create SOP without a desk based job analysis and job. Do not make it yourself, will not be connecting. If the SOP was not right, then there is something wrong with the analysis of his position. If the analysis of his position is wrong, and then something is wrong with his vision, "said Eko. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh/

Monday, February 20, 2012 | 08:21 WIB 266