The Constitutional Court rejected the petition stating the Petitioner in the case of dispute the results of elections of regional heads of West Papua province, Monday (11/12) afternoon, at the Plenary Room. "In the Principal Case, Application Related Party II is not acceptable. Reject the Petitioners' petition in its entirety, "said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD when reading the ruling of case No. 119/PHPU.D-IX/2011.
Petitioner in the case consists of three pairs of candidates Governor and Vice Governor of West Papua. They are: the number two candidate pairs Dominggus Mandacan-Origenes Nauw, candidate serial number-one Wahidin Puarada Herman Pelix Orisoe Donatus, as well as the serial number of the four candidate George C. Auparay-Hassan Ombaier. Meanwhile, as the Related Party in this case is the serial number of the three candidates Abraham Octavianus Atururi-Rahimin Katjong (Related Party I) and will pair prospective Yusak Samuel Bisi Wonatorey-Ismail Sirfefa (Related Party II).
In essence, according to the Court, the Petitioners' petition is not proven according to law. One of them related to the argument about the mobilization of money that comes from private money, funds Autonomy, as well as grant funds are done in several ways.
"Court judge, grants to the district as West Papua is not a grant, and grants intended to have legal basis, at least in the form of Regulations and Rules of Governors of West Papua Province as described in advance, so that the Petitioners' argument does not prove otherwise," Court firmly.
In addition, to postulate the existence of a conspiracy related to the Related Party I by Respondent and lack of neutrality Officials and Civil Servants, the Court is also not proven. Court's opinion, the argument that the Respondent, the National Election Commission Prov. West Papua, siding with the Related Party Related Party to pass a Candidate in Election Year 2011 is a proposition that has been presented and decided upon by the Court in Case Number 84/PHPU.D-IX/2011. "Thus, the Court will not provide further legal consideration," said the Court.
As to the proposition that the Voting Committee as a forum Sorong, which will support the Related Party I, the Court stated, did not find strong evidence that it does occur. Because, in the form of evidence to support the proposals submitted for the Related Party I as proposed by PPS as Sorong has been rebutted by evidence in the form of a Statement PPS Sorong stating there was no alliance PPS as Sorong and there was never any demand proposals funds to the Candidate Pair Number 3. And, moreover, the Petitioners did not perform further verification.
Meanwhile, on the other arguments, the Court asserted, "not proven to affect the outcome of the Province of West Papua Election Year 2011." (Dodi / mh/
Monday, December 19, 2011 | 17:59 WIB 229