Review of Act on Broadcasting: Panel Passes Evidence

Application for judicial review of Article 18 Paragraph (1) and Article 34 Paragraph (4) of Act 32/2002 on broadcasting held in the Constitutional Court (MK), Wednesday (07/12/2011). Session with the agenda of this petition repair inspection conducted by a Panel chaired by Constitutional Court Justice Harjono, accompanied by two members of the Constitutional Justice Ahmad Sodiki and Fadlil Sumadi.

The trial process was brief, four minutes, because the applicant has fully considered the petition filed. Furthermore Harjono advised the Petitioners to prepare witnesses and experts. Finally, the Panel endorsed the list of evidence that is brought by the Petitioners, namely proof of P-1 through P-29.

For information, request a test of constitutionality of Article 18 Paragraph (1) and Article 34 Paragraph (4) the Broadcasting Act was filed by Rev. Dhyatmika of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Jakarta, Hendrayana of the Press Legal Aid Institute (LBH Pers), Ahmad Faisol of Media Link, Masduki of Media Monitoring Regulations and regulators (PR2Media), and Christiana Chelsia Chan of the Foundation for Twenty-Eight (Y28). Article 18 Paragraph (1) of the Broadcasting Act states, "Concentration of ownership and control of private broadcasting institutions by one person or legal entity, either in one area of broadcasting and broadcasting in some areas, is limited". Then Article 34 paragraph (4) The Broadcasting Act states, "Operating license for broadcasting prohibited transferable to another party". Both materials are chapters in the Broadcasting Act by the Petitioners are contrary to Article 28D, 28F, and Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution.

A legal entity at both the parent or subsidiary, or an individual should not have more than one permit organizing the broadcasting services, television broadcasting located in the province. The Petitioner argues, a person or a legal entity easily buy at the same time broadcasters broadcasting license. Whereas under the Broadcasting Act, broadcasting operating license should be returned to the state as a legal entity capable of holding no longer broadcasting, or the licensing period runs out. Countries automatically revoke the permit. Frequency of return to the state aims to prevent any monopoly in the broadcasting world. (Rosihin Nur Ana / mh/

Thursday, December 08, 2011 | 08:22 WIB 125