Deputy Chief Justice Closed Meeting with Police Headquarters

Meeting of "Pancasila Education, and the Constitutional Court Procedural Law for the Criminal Investigation Police Officers Board of the Republic of Indonesia," for 3 days, Monday-Wednesday (29-1/11-12), officially closed by Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court ( MK) Achmad Sodiki, At 12.00 pm, Wednesday (1 / 12), at Hall of the Court Building, Jakarta.

In the event of cooperation between the Secretariat-General and Registrar of the Constitutional Court with the Headquarters of the Indonesian National Police (Police Headquarters), attended by General Secretary of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M Gaffar, and Head of Criminal Investigation (Kabareskrim) Police Sutarman, and followed by about 200 officers Board of Criminal Investigation Police from all regions in Indonesia.

In his speech, Sodiki said this activity was held in order to disseminate the knowledge of Pancasila, the Constitution, and Law on the Constitutional Court to the Indonesian people in general, and especially the law enforcement that is spearheading the Indonesian Police. Therefore, further Sodiki, that in understanding the law, the person must understand what is meant by law? According to him, there are 3 (three) factors to understand how the law. First is using the knowledge, namely the understanding and mastery of the law. "It should be required. We must respect human rights, "he explained.

After obtaining an understanding of the law, second, said Sodiki is a positive attitude and negative attitude. In a positive attitude, how to try to remember what must be mastered to be implemented? And the last is the attitude of understanding the law practice, means how to apply what has been mastered. "Therefore, the problems faced by Indonesia are the people already understand the law, but do not practice law itself. So this incident, makes us very concerned, "said Sodiki. Finally, he argues, we hope together is how the end of law enforcement should be doing together to be able to practice law.

More importantly, Sodiki said that why it is often times can not be done well? According to him, law enforcement is no pressure from outside. "He knows what to do but he was afraid of what it does, because there is pressure from non-law. And this, it may also become our problems together, "explained him. However, Sodiki said, if we are determined to enforce the law, then, must be above the law of power, and power must be tamed with the law. "And if the power can not be tamed with the law, then the law is only used as a mere object," explained Sodiki in front of hundreds of police officers are.

Previously, Sutarman as the representative of the Police Headquarters said in his speech that the police said thank you profusely to the Constitutional Court, because it was concerned about the police institution. "Where this institution has the task of carrying out law enforcement, shelter and protect the community in order to create and security that exist in Indonesia," said Sutarman.

Given such activity is considered very well, Sutarman has spoken with the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court about how future training events like this can be more precisely designed. "So that could provide a real contribution in the development and abilities, and knowledge of the Police Investigator, Criminal Investigation and investigators at all levels in all regions in Indonesia," said Sutarman. (Shohibul Umam / mh/

Friday, December 02, 2011 | 07:17 WIB 197