General Secretary: the Court Strengthens Modern Law State

The Constitutional Court is the guardian of democracy and constitutional institutions that currently its presence in the state system in Indonesia, interpreted as a spirit to strengthen Indonesia as a modern constitutional state. In the principle of supremacy of law, the constitution is a manual and guidelines as well as the orientation of all of the state and nation. In practical implementation, the state shall be subject and obedient to the constitution.

Secretary General of the Constitutional Court Janedjri M Gaffar said that, when giving a speech in the "workshop of Pancasila and the Constitution of the Association of Teachers of Law on the Constitutional Court" area of Central Java, Semarang Hotel in Patra Ballroom, (27/11) yesterday. The seminar was officially opened by the Rector of the University of Diponegoro Semarang, Prof. Dr. Sudharto P. Hadi MES., Ph.D. as well as a keynote speaker in this activity. This workshop lasted for three days (27-30/11) was attended by teachers of Citizenship Education and ranks of officials of Central Java Provincial Government.

Janedjri M Gaffar said that Indonesia is a country of law. Because it’s our country Based on the hierarchical order of the supreme law is constitutional. And we are the 1945 constitution, it was decided Based on the agreement of all the people of Indonesia. "MK is present as the implementation procedures and mechanisms are clear and well defined limitatif firm to keep the 1945 Constitution," he explained. MK in Indonesia serves as a guard ideological constitution. Janedjri also asserted, "the constitutional reform as a necessity of political reform. There is no political reform without constitutional reform. "

One of the constitutional agreements is basic values that guide for the people of Indonesia to achieve the noble idea of founding the nation and this country, as enshrined in the ‘45 Constitution on fourth Alenia. Pancasila is the soul of the constitution itself, according to Janedjri, it’s been tampered with in the application of moral values.

Therefore, according to Janedjri, various activities in the form of conscious education is very important to be held constitutional. Not only from the knowledge and experience, but also be applied to the methods of modern and full of improvisation. "We have to revive the values of Pancasila, because we know Pancasila is the basic foundation of the creation of this country." He said.

Janedjri added that has become our responsibility and obligation to revitalize and conduct internalization noble values contained in Pancasila and the Constitution itself the nation’s children as the cornerstone of our mindset, behavior patterns, and patterns of action that will be a challenge in the future are dating. "The supremacy of the constitutional position was as the basic law supreme constitution (the supreme law of the land), the apex of the hierarchy of law, and the source of all sources of state law" expressly Janedjri. This option is a mechanism that would guarantee and ensure that the Constitution of 1945 as the supreme law of the state, completely adhered to, implemented and enforced.

To the Teacher Civics and other attendees Secretary General of the Court explained, the Court took responsibility for organizing education Pancasila and the Constitution, the hope can become the basis and orientation in every step and action to build and develop the nation and this country. (Ddy / mh/

Monday, November 28, 2011 | 15:55 WIB 153