Teachers Compete for the Constitution Award

Unlike the teachers usually gives the test of Citizenship Education towards their students. This time, they carry out the test and compete in front of the jury of 20 people to get the Constitution Award for outstanding teachers at the national level in 2011 with the theme, "Citizenship Education Outstanding Teacher Selection of National Year 2011." In this case, the event was held thanks to the cooperation between the Constitutional Court with the Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Religious Affairs was held for three days at the Court and Alila Hotel, Jakarta, (20-22/11).

On the first day, participants numbering 45 people, consisting of 15 people from SD / MI, the second of the level of SMP / MTs, and the latter at the level of SMA / MA / SMK, amounting to 15 people, doing his first exam is a written test. This is done in the Court Building, Jakarta, Sunday (20/11) night, at 17.00 pm.

While the second and third day, the jury held a presentation exam or interviews with the participants. Exams are conducted at different places according to their respective levels. In this case, all participants are asked to bring materials in accordance with the theme that would like removed, including the teachers who come from the first level of elementary and MI.

For example, mothers Lilik Fatkhu Diniyah of MI Al-Iman, Magelang, Central Java, the theme, "Building Awareness Techniques For constitutional MI Al-Iman Students through Various Models and Learning Media." In that theme, Lilik convey to the jury with clear how to implement a system of various models and instructional media to raise awareness of constitution.

The system, he argues, has been managed by the school during this time, but considered not fully conducive to increasing Civics learning, especially learning constitutional investment fund awareness of legal awareness. "It is therefore, very important to create media and implement models of learning to the learning process fun, entertaining, as well as educate," said Lilik as a teacher of MI Al-Iman Magelang of East Java.

Then, at the level of SMP and MTs, the participants numbering 15 people also do an interview to the jury. The content of the exposure on one of the participants is Rr.Amani Sri Marhaeni Ernawati junior high school teachers as N 2 Godean Sleman, Yogyakarta. In its delivery, he raised the theme of "Raising Awareness of Potential Teachers through State-Defense." With the theme, he hopes to foster a sense of belonging to the people of Indonesia, Increasing awareness to defend the country, and increase the sense of nationalism.

Furthermore, Amani says that within the program, efforts to defend the country raising awareness through the teaching profession were very effective because more people are willing to listen and implement them, "Although there are many obstacles. But with determination and strong will it all be resolved, "said Amani.

on the last level of SMA / MA / SMK, one of the participants are teachers of MAN Surabaya, East Java, Wiwin Siswinarni bring a theme "Implementation of the Constitution in Civics Education." In this case, he said that if there are students who do not comply with school discipline that can be called by the constitution or law school, then students will be given sanctions, where the final level of the parents called to find a solution what to do about the child. "So Techniques Designing the learning-oriented Civics and values education of Pancasila and moral education can be implemented in the school environment," said Wiwin.

After the exam is completed, many of the messages conveyed by the participants that in general they hope events like this continue to be developed so that students are more aware of the constitutional. "The activity is excellent for continued and further developed so that children are more aware of what is meant by the constitution," Please Teacher SMAN 1 Jakarta Ujang Suherman against MK. (Shohibul Umam / mh/Yazid.tr)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 | 09:54 WIB 219